The Kiss

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We walk in the shop and Kieran picks up a bottle of coke and a bottle of lemonade before heading to the check out.

"That's $2.50." The woman says.

"Cheers." Kieran says, picking up the bottles and beginning to walk off.

"Sir you have to pay for that!" She calls after him.

"I don't think so." He replies.

"We have security cameras, you'll be fined." She says.

With one swift hand movement, Kieran rips the camera off the wall and throws it on the ground before continuing to walk.

"Here." I hand the woman money for the drinks then a hundred dollars to fix the camera. "I'm sorry."

"Kieran!" I shout, walking out the shop after him. "What is wrong with you?"

"I'm not changing around you, you didn't want to be apart of it you shouldn't of come." He replies.

"I don't understand you, one second we are making progress then the next you do something dumb like that." I say before he pulls off.

When we arrive home, Kieran gets out the car with out speaking a word and going inside.

"So your not going to talk now?" I ask him. "That makes a change."

He pulls out a can of beer and opens it. "Kieran I told you-"

"I don't care what you said Jess." He snaps before going upstairs.

What is wrong with him? Why has he just gone so weird?

"What is going on with you?" I walk over to him but he doesn't even respond to me. I snatch the phone out his hand to see a message from someone called Carter.

'I'm out little bro.'

"Whose Carter?" I ask him.

"None if your business." He hisses. "Now give me my phone."

'Another message comes in: 'Tick Tock'

"What'd he say?" Kieran asks.

"Tell who he is first." I argue.

"I'm not playing games Jess, this is serous." He says, trying to snatch the phone from me.

"Who is Carter?" I repeat. Kieran pushes me down on the bed and pins my wrist whilst he rips the phone out my hand.

He stares at the phone for a second before looking back at me. "Are the doors locked?" He asks me.

"Yes. Why? Kieran your scaring me tell me what's going on." I state.

He thinks for a few moments. "We need to go." He tells me.

"Jess pack a bag with essentials we are going out of town for a few weeks." Kieran orders.

"Tell me what's going on!" I shout at him, standing up and finally losing my temper with all the secrecy.

"I'll tell you in the car but right now you have to trust me." He says.

"Why would I trust you? You don't even care about me otherwise you wouldn't treat me like this." I snap.

Kieran walks over to me and kisses me. It was exactly like I imagined it to be... not that I imagined this. It was powerful, passionate and a little rough but amazing.

"If I didn't care about you then I'd leave you here." He assures me. "Your leaving with me, you don't have a choice. Now go pack or you won't have anything."

"I know all your games Kieran, you only kissed me because you want me to do what you say and it doesn't work on me." Weather it was down to my stubbornness or me wanting to prove to Kieran he couldn't control me I wasn't packing.

"Fine then you won't have anything." He said, grabbing a duffel bag and shoving stuff in it. "And for the record, I kissed you because that's what I've wanted to do for a while."

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