Own Hands

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I'm almost asleep when I hear the door creek open and I feel two very familiar and warm arms wrap around me. He pulls me back into him. "I'm sorry I went to the fight, I should of told you." He whispers.

"No you shouldn't of gone at all." I snap.

"I know. It was dangerous, careless and dumb."

"Are you just being nice because I'm pregnant?" I ask, turning to face him.

"Maybe." He replies.

"Do you know how far along you are?" He asks.

"My guess is a couple weeks but Kieran, in that time I drank." I reply. "And... and Jackson drugged me!"

"I'm gonna kill that-"

"Stop." I tell him, grabbing his arm and pulling him back down to me. "Let me do it."

I get up and walk to the fighting area to bike up the bike then once I have it I ride to Jackson's. I knock on the door once before he opens it and straight away I smack him. "I know your badass now but what was that for?" He asks.

"Your such a dick!" I shout, slapping him again. David runs down the stairs and grabs a hold of me to stop me from doing anymore damage to Jackson. "Get off me!" I shove him off me.

"What'd he do?"

"I'm pregnant." I state. "And in this time you drugged me!"

"It won't of made a difference due to all the stuff you've already done to it." Jackson snaps.

"I only drank a little, I didn't do drugs or anything like that!" A sign of remorse appears on his face.

"Jess I'm sorry." He says.

"Watch your back, you made an enemy." I threaten before leaving.

I ride back home to Kieran.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Nothing but he knows he's in danger." I reply.

For the next for hours we relax together. Is it bad that this bores me? I'm so used to the bad boy I can't bare him being good.

A couple weeks later I feel as though I'm dying of boredom. Kieran and I haven't done anything abnormal in weeks when ever I suggest something it's always unsuitable for the baby or too dangerous.

So I decide to take things into my own hands....


If you haven't read the first one yet at the end go find it. I hate to admit it but the first one was defiantly better than this one, I guess I've just ran out of ideas and lost passion. Sorry. But there is still more and trust me I have passion for that.

What will she do? Who will she see? What will happen?

The Bad Boy Changed Me -Book 2Where stories live. Discover now