Drag Racing

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Since the last chapter I've thought about what I want to happen with this story and now I have motive. I don't know how many chapters more there will but this is chapter 19 and I know I'm doing them past 25 so there is at least 6 more, most likely more.

The next morning I wake up super early and sneak out to buy a pregnancy test and when I return I see Kieron making breakfast downstairs. "Your cooking?" I scoff, setting down the bag with the test in.

"Yes, I'm a very good cook actually." He says, turning around and hanging me some toast.

"Toast? What was that smell?"

"Burnt toast." He laughs.

"Anyway, today your going to that drag race, I want to come." I say.

"No way." Kieran says.

"Why not? Your always pushing me to do new things."

"Drag races are way to dangerous."

"Unlike the illegal drug use and underaged smoking and drinking we've been doing." I scoff.

"It's different." He mutters, taking a bite of his toast.

"But you have to go to it right?" I question. He nods as he munches on his food. "That's all I needed to know."

I get up and grab a butchers knife off the side and the keys. "What are you doing? Going on a murderous rampage?" Kieran question with a hint of laughter.

"You wish." I say, walking outside. I head him get up and run after me. I slit the wheel of his motorcycle with the knife and get in the BMW he owns.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" He exclaims, running over to his precious bike then over to my window.

"Your bikes unusable, you have to take your car right?" I question, he nods. "Well I'm in it and I'm not getting out of it, now you have to take me."

"Jess!" He yells in fury. "It's a drag race, I couldn't take my bike even if I wanted too."

"Oops." I laugh. "Look what you created." I continue to chuckle, dropping the knife on the ground.

He picks it up and holds it to me. "Get out." He orders.

"We both know you won't hurt me." I smirk.

"Ugh!" He throws the knife back on the ground before getting in the car as well. "I think I preferred you when you were good."

Kieran speeds all the way there just to try getting under my skin. "I don't care about you speeding anymore." I laugh. "But if you go round that corner like this the motorcycle will be the least of your problems."

* * * * * * *

We arrive at the place. It's a dark country road with metal netted gates closing it off. In front of them stands two guys wearing all black including black masks with rifles. "Serious place huh." I scoff.

"Yes Kieran." The guy on his side says fist bumping him. "Not seen you round here in a while, whose the chick?"

"She's cool trust me." He replies.

"I'm his babysitter slash girlfriend." I smirk.

"I'll buzz you in." The guy says, walking over to the panel in the fence and opening the gate. Kieran speeds inside.

"I see you dressed up for the occasion." He laughs, looking at my all black outfit.

The Bad Boy Changed Me -Book 2Where stories live. Discover now