The Race

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I get out the car, my thigh high, leather boot making an echoing sound as I walk with Kieron over to the boys. "Jess this is Kai, Holden, Jayden, Kenzie and Kyle."

"This your chick for the week?" Kyle laughs.

"Maybe I'll have her next." Jayden, clearly the leader smirk. I slap him across the face straight away for his remark and he returns to look at me with a deep scowl as all the other boys laugh and 'ooh!'

Jayden grabs me by the roughs of my shirt and pulls me in close to him and I latch my hands to his wrists. Straight away Kieran steps forward to intervene. "It's fine Kieran." I smirk.

"I run this place I can do anything here and no one can stop me, not the cops and certainly not your little boyfriend here, alright? So I'd watch yourself." He threatens.

"Your right they wouldn't, I'd stop you." I snap. He lets me go, pushing me back a little.

"Are we here to race or not?" Kai asks.

"Right." Jayden says. "You lose the race, you lose your car!"

"I'm up first." Holden says.

"Kyle your against him." Jayden orders.

The two boys walk over to their cars and get in. "Any volunteers?" Jayden asks, holding out the flag.

I walk past him taking the flag before walking into the middle of the road as the cars pull up. "One, two..." I wave the flag and the boys speed off, either one beside me, blowing wind all around me.

"You got a live one their." I hear Jayden says to Kieran.

"She wasn't always that way." He replies.

"We're next." I say to Kieran.

"Says who?"

"Me." I reply to Jayden.

"Fair enough then." He laughs.

* * * * * * *

"Holden won." Jayden state. "Kyle give up your car."

"No way he won't by a second I'm not losing my car for that." Kyle says.

"Those are the rules of the game Kyle." Jayden argues, pulling out a gun and pointing it at his head. "Your not cheating are you?"

"Jayden I'm one of your best friends, your not going to shoot me over a race."

"I will."

"Look, the car is mine. I got it last week. It's mine." Kyle argues.

"Have it your way." Jayden pulls the trigger and Kyle drops to the ground and blood pours out his head. I turn into Kieran's chest, refusing to look.

"It's okay." He whispers, hugging me.

"I would of shot him over the last slice of pizza." Jayden laughs. "Oh look the bad girl does have a heart."

"Shut up Jayden." Kieran snaps.

"What'd you say princess, still want to race." Jayden says.

"I'm racing not her." Kieran snaps.

"Then get in your car!"


I now know how the story will end but it's not for a few more chapters yet.

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