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"Come on let's go." Kieran says.

"I told you, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me who Carter is." I state, crossing my arms.

"And I've told you, coming with me isn't an option Jess." He snaps.

I stare at him, holding my ground. He grabs my wrist but I instantly pull it out of his hold. We both have a short staring/standing ground match before Kieran breaks it. "We don't have time for this."

"Then tell me the truth!"

"You can't handle the truth!" He shouts back at me, making me flinch slightly. "If I tell you the truth you'll freak out."

"I can handle a lot more than you think." I snap.

Kieran grips my arm and stares into my eyes. "Get your ass out of that door before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out myself."

I stare at him angrily and wait to see if he'd actually do it and when he moves too I walk past him and towards the door. I walk down the stairs and get into the car.

"See that wasn't so hard was it?" He questions, getting in next to me.

"Now tell me who he is." I order.

"Carter is my older brother." He replies.

"I didn't know you had a brother." I state.

"Not many people do. We tend to keep it in the family." Kieran says.

"Are we going to go meet him or what?" I question.

"The opposite. He got put in prison for trying to kill my mom, she grounded him and took away his drugs. He got really bad withdrawal symptoms and went a little mad." He explains.

"So why are we running from him?" I ask.

"He just got out of jail and I owe him a couple thousand dollars, he wants that money and I don't have it."

"A couple thousand dollars? How?"

"The drug dealer we went to wouldn't sell drugs to anyone under sixteen, he used to buy them for me. I said I'd pay him back but I ran out of money." He answers. "Anything else?"

I shake my head.

We drive for a short while down some country lanes. Suddenly, a large sports car drives into my side of the car and sends us flying down the road. The car spins at least three times before my head hits the side of window and I pass out.

Carter's POV:

I drive as hard as I can into Kieran's car, it spins down the road, it lands upside down.

I get out my stolen Lamborghini and walk over to his car. I'm not surprised to see Kieran's passed out but I am surprised to see that there's a girl in his car, she's also unconscious.

"This changes things." I mutter, opening the girls car door. The window is smashed and her head is bleeding pretty badly, she's actually kind of hot. I rip off her seat belt and pull her out the car before carry her down the road, into my car. I slide her in the back seat and return to my brothers car with a pen and paper.

'Come get her before time runs out.'

The Bad Boy Changed Me -Book 2Where stories live. Discover now