Too Far Gone

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"What are you doing with him?" Maya asks me.

"Having fun." I reply. "He makes me feel alive Maya, I like him and he likes me back."

"You like him or the idea of him? He likes you or likes controlling you?" She questions.

"Stop asking me dumb things Maya. He got me to do this and I like it." I say.

"She likes it so back off." Kieran says appearing behind me and kissing my head as he wraps his arms around me, cuddling me from behind.

"This is who I am now, take it or leave it." I state.

"This isn't who you are, it's who he is." She scowls.

"Then maybe he's more alike than you think." I snap.

"Get out." Kieran snaps. "I don't like boring little snakes in my house."

"I'm not going without Jess." She hisses.

"Go Maya, I'm not leaving." I snarl.

"Get out!" Kieran shouts, smashing a bottle on the table and pointing the sharp edges at her.

"Kieran." I scowl. "Just go Maya save yourself the hassle."

She frowns at me before walking out the house and slamming the door behind her. "Sure your not high?" I snap.

"Do you want to learn how to ride the bike or not?" He asks with a smirk, holding the sharp bottle teasingly around my neck. We both know he won't do anything but if I move I'll be doing it to myself.

"Don't look so scared frady-cat." He laughs, dropping the bottle and pulling me out the door and to his bike.

We go for a drive on it all around the city. "Scream." He says.


"Just do it, it feels great!"

"Whoooo!" He was right, it felt like everything negative lifted off my chest when I did.

Maya's POV:

"You were right." I tell Jackson.

"I'm right about a lot of things. What are you talking about?" He laughs.

"She was with him last night and I caught her getting drunk with him this morning." I explain.

"I know, I've seen what she's been doing."

"You need to help her, get her back to being herself." I beg.

"I can't." He sighs.

"Yes you can, she stopped him from threatening me."

"That's one thing, out of all the bad things she's been doing she's done one thing to help anyone else." He explains.

"It just shows she's still in there. Please, you have to bring her back."

"I can't, she's too far gone this time."

When I heard Jackson says these words part of me died inside. Jess gets like this sometimes, it's like an obsession she falls off the rails and Jackson is her longest friend, he's always got her back and when he said he couldn't I lost a lot of my hope.

"You have to try."

The Bad Boy Changed Me -Book 2Where stories live. Discover now