Chapter 13

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Needless to say, that car ride was terrible. Since they weren't enough seats, I had to sit on Tristan's lap. He so got a boner, and I almost called him out on it. He gave me a death glare, and blushed a deep shade of red. Daniel took us to a hotel, which was beautiful. This town is gorgeous, definitely have to visit again. We were all split off into pairs. Well, not all of us. Since I am the only girl, I got the pleasure of having my own room. And they were totally decked out.

I skipped to the elevator, which would take me to my room. I swung my key around my finger, being careful to not drop it. I pressed the up button, and decided to set down my luggage next to my foot for a second. I was singing in my head, that Pompeii song by Bastille. The boys were still grumbling about their arrangements, but quite frankly, I really didn't care. As long as none of they didn't sneak into my room. The elevator opened, to reveal a handsome young man, probably around our age.

He was well built. He leaned casually against the back of the elevator, in a black shirt which fit snugly against his muscles. Eh, I still preferred Ryder. I grabbed my luggage, and wheeled it in behind me as I made room for the guys. I was standing in front of him as Ash and Tristan were on my left and right. Blake, and Erwin filed in next to him. Daniel and Wyatt stood extremely close to the elevator doors. All in all, it was a tight fit. Quincy decided to take the other elevator.

He wolf whistled. "Damn, baby. You're hot." He said, in a husky whisper. I smiled cockily at him.

"I know." I turned back around, just as the elevator began it's journey up towards the 3rd floor. It was just like any old elevator, all silver with the trap door above in case we got stuck. The buttons were on the right side of the doors, with only about 8 floors, excluding the emergency button. He poked me in the back. I scowled, and turned to him.

"Ouch, you prick!" I exclaimed, rubbing the place where he poked me. He just laughed at me.

"What's your name?" He asks, sounding like he was generally curious. I'm not allowed to date anyone, Ryder said that before he left. That's an unspoken promise, so yes I am keeping that promise. Choke on something if you think otherwise.

"Audrey Althea," I state. He tenses, and his entire body freezes. His face contorts info fear. He gulps, and shuffles back even closer to the wall, if that was possible.

"I'm sorry for poking you. Please don't amputate my legs." He pleads, his face paling rapidly. I smirk evilly, and turn around to face him fully. I scoot closer to him, so close we're nose to nose. These heels definitely make me taller. He's shaking.

"I won't make you suffer. I'll do it quick, with a bullet through your skull," I whisper at him, with a sneer. The ding comes on, and the doors open. I step away from him, and grab my luggage.

"Bye." I wave to him, wiggling my fingers. I walk out of the elevator, pleased with myself. I scanned the walls, looking for room 3001. 2990, 2993, 2995, 2997, 2999, 3000, 3001! The guys all went down to their rooms as they passed, so only I was left. Quincy, I'm guessing, already went to his room earlier since he did get up here before us. I whistled as I put the key inside of the lock, and turned. It opened, and my breath was taken away.

The room had 2 beds separated by a nightstand, on my right was a mirror. I walked inside some more, and the bathroom was really a mirror with a large sink. The actually toilet was in a small closet like room alongside the shower. It was incredibly small, and had those sliding doors. I stepped forward hesitantly towards the mini refrigerator. Yes, they had a freaking mini fridge!

I already loved this place. A large brown dresser was placed beside the mini fridge, and a small flat screen sat on top. A couch that flips out onto a bed was located closer to the windows on my right. I walked closer to one of the beds, and saw a white envelope with my name labeled on it in blue ink. Whoever this guy is, why doesn't he just leave me a white rose instead?

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