(8) Morgan Jones

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Gif from: No Sanctuary (S05E01)

You were a lone survivor. You whole family turned short after the apocalypse started and you were the one that had to put them down. You became hardened from the experience. You realized that world is a cruel place, people will die no matter what, and should only worry about yourself to avoid the heartache of losing people. That's why you joined any groups and avoid "safe havens". You never believed in communities, it'll just crumble and die.

You were in the woods, laying a under a tree, enjoying the shade and listening to the birds chirping. You loved the peace and quiet. It made you forget about the harsh cruelty of this world and mad you appreciate the beauty that world somehow managed to keep alive. You piece was sadly interrupted by the growls of hungry walkers. You sighed and stood up from where you were laying. You grabbed your gun from you backpack, ready to shoot the couple of walkers that interrupted your peace and quiet, but what you didn't expect was the massive horde of walkers coming your way.


You quickly grabbed your stuff and ran as fast as you could. The walker soon followed in pursuit. You noticed that the walkers were catching up to you, so you shot at a few of them to slow them down. It was working until your gun ran out of ammo. You cursed at yourself and kept on running. You started to run out of breath, and you were getting tired from running. The walkers were closing in on you and it wasn't long until you tripped on a tree branch and fell to the ground. The walkers were inching closer and you knew that this was going to be the end for you. You closed your eyes, ready to accept your fate as the walkers growl got louder and louder.

You heard a loud thud and you opened your eyes to see a stranger killing the walkers with a stick. He wore a strange black mask, so you couldn't see his face. You watched in awe as he killed the walkers one by one. You were impressed by his fighting skills. You never seen anything like it before. More walkers were approaching, and it wasn't long until he grabbed your arm and pulled you up from the ground.

"Come with me if you want to live"

Before you got a chance to respond, he took off running with you being dragged behind. You guys found a nearby bush and hid behind it. You were trying to regain your breath while trying to stay quiet. The walkers walked by without noticing you or the stranger. Once all the walkers have passed you slowly stood up from your hiding spot and looked to make sure the coast was clear. You turned around and saw the mysterious man brush himself off. You were curious as to why he saved you He didn't even know you and he risked his life for yours.

"Who are you?"

The man turned around to face you. You stood there and watched him, waiting for a response. He took off his mask so you can clearly see his face.

"I'm Morgan. Morgan Jones"

You thought about giving him your name, but you remember that you didn't know this person. He could very well be a part of some sort of cult and is just trying to trick you into joining.

"Why did you save me?"

"Because all life is precious"

He didn't seem like a bad guy, but you were still very cautious of him.

"Thanks, for saving me."

"Yeah. You out here by yourself?"

"I'm always by myself. You can't trust people out there. And safe heavens don't last"

Morgan was surprised by your response. You were a loner, just like him. You both were hardened by the world around you. You weren't as mentally broken like he was, but he could tell that you went through some serious trauma.

"We should find shelter before sundown"

"I don't even know you"

"Just trust me"

You thought about it for a moment. He did just save your life, not a lot of people would do that. But at the same time, going with him would be breaking all your rules. You were torn between what to do, but you knew you had to decide. Morgan watched you as you were deciding on whether to go with him or not.


Morgan smiled and walked along the path with you behind him. Over the course of a few days, you guys have gotten to know each other. You told him about your parents and how you had to kill him. He told you about his family and this man he met a while ago named Rick. You were happy to have finally found someone that was very similar to you, someone who actually understood to harsh realities of this world. This was going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Actor: Lennie James

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