(9) Tara Chambler

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Gif from: Live Bait (S04E06)

You were friends with Tara for as long at you can remember. You both were students at the police academy, that's where you two met. You guys quickly became the best of friends. You instantly had a crush on her, though no one knew that, since you never told a single person, not even your parents that you were into women. Fortunately, Tara was the same way, and when she told you, the little person inside you jumped with joy. You guys were becoming closer and closer, and a part of you wanted to believe that she was beginning to have feelings for you. You were planning on asking her out, but then the infection happened, and the world turned to shit. You and Tara left as soon as the infection hit the academy. You both left with her sister and her little niece. You all managed to find shelter in an abandoned apartment that was stocked with food.

You stayed there for a while until a mysterious man showed up. He called himself The Governor, which you thought was a ridiculous name. You didn't trust him right off the bat, maybe it was the eye patch that made him look devious. Tara and Lilly saw him as an ally, but you knew that there was more than he was leading on. You eventually had to leave the apartment and found a camp. One of the members apparently knew The Governor.

Over the next few weeks, you watched The Governor closely. He became the leader and you couldn't be more irritated. You have also been noticing Tara becoming close with one of the females of the camp. You -were never the jealous type, but you couldn't help. No one else made your heart flutter like Tara. She was the only one that kept you sane. Whenever she smiled, your heart would beat rapidly as it would explode. Her laugh was like music to your ears. She was a reminder you that there is still good in this world, and she was one of those good things.

Tomorrow was the day where The Governor would take over the prison. He told everyone his master plan to take over the place and eliminate the people in it. You, of course, were against the idea. Even though The Governor said these people were evil, you didn't believe a single word he said. For all you knew, these people were probably innocent and just trying to survive. You didn't think it was right to take their home and kill their people, despite not knowing whether they were good or bad. Plus, The Governor was putting everyone in danger with this plan. You just thought the whole thing was a bad idea.

It was just you and Tara in the trailer. You were staring at the window while Tara was polishing the guns for tomorrow's attack. Tara noticed how quiet and distant you been. You've been like that for the last couple of days, and she couldn't help but feel worried about you.

"You OK?"

"We shouldn't be doing this"

Tara looked at you confusedly.

"What do you mean?"

You turned away from the window to face Tara.

"Don't you see this is wrong? We don't even know who these people are and we're just going to show up randomly and attack their home"

"But you heard what The Governor said"

"He's lying. I don't trust him, I never did. He's just gonna get us killed. We don't know what these people are capable of. I don't want you to get hurt, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you"

Tara stared at you. She never seen you so passionate in her life. To be honest, she found it kind of hot, but she would never admit that out loud.

"Look, I'm just as scared as you are. But, we need to do this, for our survival. We can have a place to call home"

You looked down at the floor. She made very valid points, but you still felt uneasy about the whole thing. When you didn't respond, Tara held out her fist for you to bump it. It was a thing you and Tara did a lot, it was you guy's thing.

"We're in this together right Y/N?"

You looked at Tara, and suddenly something came over you. You don't know why, maybe it was the fear of losing her, but you walked over to her, grabbed her face, and kissed her on the lips. Tara was shocked for a solid second, but she kissed back soon afterwards. You pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"We're always in this together, no matter what"

Tara gave you a small smile. Her heart was beating so fast and her face was red from blushing so hard. You of course were in the same state as her. You still wanted no part in the prison takeover, but you had to do it. You were willing to do whatever it takes to keep Tara. She was the love of your life, and you were going to protect it at all costs.

Actor: Alanna Masterson

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