80) Rick Grimes

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Gif from: First Time Again (S06E01)

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Gif from: First Time Again (S06E01)

You were Rick's girlfriend and had been a part  of the group since the camp in Atlanta. Your group had recently settled in Alexandria. You thought it was a nice place, but you had a feeling that this place wasn't gonna last very long. After Deanna decided to put Rick in charge of the community, you had hope that he was gonna keep this place standing. Some of the Alexandrians didn't like that, and to be honest you didn't blame them. Rick didn't kill one of their right in front of them. You be scared to if a random stranger killed one of your own. You hope that things will work and that this community will come together and be as strong at it can be.

You had taken the job to help around in the pantry. You got to bond with Olivia, who is a super nice lady. You were in the middle with stacking cans on the shelves when you heard a loud noise from the corner. You went over there to see what was going on, and you see Eugene on the ground while Carter is pointing a gun at him. 

"Carter put the gun down!!"

You tried to defuse the situation, but Carter ended up pointing the gun at you and started threatening you.

"Shut up!! t Rick is just going to everyone killed. You and you group need to pack your bags and get the hell of of here."

 Luckily, you saw Rick behind Carter and he had his gun pointed at the back of his head. 

"Drop the gun"

Carter recognized his voice and slowly lowered himself to the ground and placed his gun to the floor. Rick came closer and kicked the gun away from him.

"If I see you threatened Y/N or any of my people again, I won't hesitate to kill you. Understood?"

Carter nodded quickly, clearly terrified of Rick.

"Good. Now get out of here"

Carter quickly runs away, knocking over a rack of food in the process. You pulled Eugene and made sure he was OK. Rick approached you and touched your face.

"You OK?"

"I'm fine. I could have handled it you know"

"I know, but when someone messes with my woman, they better be lucky they don't wake up the morning with missing fingers"

You smiled and kissed him on the lips. You didn't mind overprotective Rick. It just shows how much he really cares about his people, and how much he really loves you. 

Actor: Andrew Lincoln

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