(86) Nicholas

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Gif from: Try (S05E15)

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Gif from: Try (S05E15)

You were a part of Rick's group and had recently had settled into the community known as Alexandria. So far the relationship between your group and the Alexandrians wasn't going too well. The people of the community were already assuming that you guys were trouble and dangerous. You would try to set a good example to prove that you and your group were not bad people. These people have been sheltered all their lives while you guys been out there, facing the dangers of the world. It makes sense that they would be afraid and hesitant to trust you. You would try to set a good example to prove that you and your group were not bad people. These people were sheltered while you guys been out there, no wonder they were afraid. You try to help the community as much as possible and people were starting to like you, almost everybody.

You were cleaning out the van for the next run when Deanna's son younger son Aiden approached you. He was clearly pissed about something one of your group members did, and he was eager to take out his frustrations out on you.

"Listen here new girl, tell your group to know their place. We don't need them running around causing chaos."

You were not in the mood to deal with his crap. You knew he was a grade-A douchebag, always thinking that he was a hotshot and he was the best of the best. In reality, he was a coward, all bark and no bite. You had no problem telling him that since you were the kind of person that wasn't afraid to speak your mind.  You weren't afraid of him and you were not gonna bow down to him, despite being a newbie.

"If this is your way of trying to act tough, you're doing a crappy job. Now get lost, I need to clean the van for the next run."

Aiden was getting irritated by your response. This was his town that his mom worked so hard to create and he wasn't gonna let a couple of outsiders come in and ruining it for everybody living in it.

"Watch yourself. You just got here. Your group is nothing but trouble. If I were you I would watch your back."


You turned around and there stood Nicholas, with a serious look on his face. He was assigned to be your partner during the supply runs. You didn't know much about him, only the stuff Glenn told you. Nicholas approached Aiden, and for a moment you were worried that something was gonna go down and someone was gonna end up in the infirmary.

"Are you threatening Y/N?"

"Stay out of this Nicholas. I was just trying to tell her and her freak group to watch themselves"

"She's not a freak. She and her group are one of us now. There a part of this community. So why don't you do yourself a favor and back off"

Aiden glared at Nicholas and then glared at you. You just stared at him, not knowing what to say next. Aiden turned around and walked away, completely pissed. Nicholas watched him as he walked away,  knowing that Aiden will probably run to Deanna and complain about him. After a couple of moments of silence, you decided to speak up. 

"Thanks for that"

Nicholas turned to you, his cheeks turning slightly pink. He had the biggest crush you from the moment he saw you. He practically had to beg Deanna to get him paired up with you. You were feisty, beautiful, strong, and very smart, all qualities that he loved in a woman. He hoped one day he would have the courage to make a move, and when the time came, he was gonna sweep you off your feet.

"No problem, he's can be quite a douche bag"

"I can tell. Now, I need to finish cleaning out this van"

"Let me help you. It's the least I can do"

And with that, Nicholas took some items from the van and went away to store them. You watched as he left with the items. You thought Nicholas was a sweet guy but was underestimated by others. You smiled to yourself and went back to cleaning the van, with Nicholas by your side. You usually didn't need saving, but might just allow Nicholas to save you every once in a while.

Actor: Michael Traynor

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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