(10) Carl Grimes

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Gif from: After (S04E09)

You were always a loner, never had any friends or a place to call home. You mom gave you up when you were just a baby and never knew who your father was. You were in out of foster homes all your life. The families you would be stuck with treated you like shit. You knew they only took you in for the money. You would always run away from home until and stayed on the streets until the police found you. By that time, the family had already sent you back. It was always the same thing, but you didn't care. You had gotten used to being rejected. You figured you were just not good enough for anyone, so you stopped trying.

When you heard the news about the deadly virus, you thought it was a joke. It wasn't long before the foster shelter had to go on lockdown when the virus got out of hand. Apparently, it was turning ordinary humans into flesh-eating monsters. You didn't believe this was real. This kind of stuff only happens in movies and books. The walkers, unfortunately, broke into the shelter and took out half of the staff and the children. Luckily you found a secret exit and escaped without any scratches. You managed to find an empty store that had food and water to last you a couple of months. So that's where you stayed until there were no more supplies left.

You were walking through an abandoned neighborhood, hoping to find a house that had food for you to eat. You hadn't eaten in a couple of days, and the hunger was killing you. You walked along the sidewalk kicking the rocks that were in your path. You walked across the street to next house, but you suddenly stopped dead on your tracks. What you saw was a boy sitting on the roof of the house. He looked like he was about your age, which was rare since you were the youngest back at the shelter. He was wearing a big hat that makes you think that he was some cowboy from the west. He was eating something from a huge can that you couldn't quite make out from the distance. You were curious about him, you never seen a boy like him before, then again you haven't seen any humans since you left the shelter. It was quite lonely if you were completely honest. He hadn't noticed you staring it him, that is until you decided to talk to him.

"Hey! Having fun up there?!"

The boy was suddenly startled and looked down to see you with your arms crossed. Carl didn't say a word, he just stared at you. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't meet may girls his age, but he was mesmerized by you. He didn't realize how long he was staring before you spoke again.

"You OK?"

He snapped out of his trance and quickly spoke, stuttering over his words.


You smiled at his nervousness, you thought it was adorable.

"What's your name?"


"Well Carl, mind if I join you?"

Carl was a nervous wreck. A girl just asked him to sit with him. He didn't know why he was freaking out so much. He was comfortable around Beth, how is this girl any different, especially someone who he didn't know. But for some reason, you made his heart pound like crazy.


You smiled and ran to the side of the house. You climbed up the side of the house with no problem. You sat next to Carl and saw that it was pudding that he was eating. For the rest of the afternoon, you and Carl shared pudding and got to know each other. Carl told you about his mom, his dad, the prison, and his baby sister. You told him about how you never knew your parents, how you were in multiple foster homes and how you managed to escape the invasion at the shelter. Carl offered to let you stay with him and dad, which you hesitantly excepted.

Within a couple of weeks, you and Carl were best friends. He took you back with him, where you got to meet his dad. Not long after, a woman named Michonne showed up, which you quickly took a liking to. Slowly other members of the group showed up, and they soon became your family. For the first time, you felt like you finally belonged. These people accepted you and didn't treat you like you were nothing. These people meant something to you, especially Carl. You probably would have still been alone if it wasn't for him. He was your guardian angel, you ride or die, and hopefully one day, the man you would spend the rest of your life with.

Actor: Chandler Riggs

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