(66) Gareth

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Gif from: No Sanctuary (S05E01)

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Gif from: No Sanctuary (S05E01)

You and your group were tied up in a room. You realized that Terminus was no a safe haven. It was bad place. These people weren't good. They were cannibals. They feast on human flesh. They were just as bad as the walkers. You were scared out of your mind. You were afraid of what was about to happen. You just couldn't believe that this was how it was going to end. Gareth entered the room and looked at you guys. His eyes landed on you. You didn't dare to look up. He walked over to you and bent down to your level. He gave you a smile.

"You are quite a beauty I must say. Instead of eating you, I will let be my lover. It gets kind of lonely in here"

You were set free to be with Gareth. But the group saved you and you were free from that horrible place.

Actor: Andrew J West

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