(84) Magna

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Gif from:  Who Are You Now (S09E06)

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Gif from:  Who Are You Now (S09E06)

You sat on the bench with you head down and your eyes filled with tears. You were crushed when you were told that your boyfriend and your best friend were killed by the Whisperers. You didn't want to believe it at first, but as soon as you saw their decapitated heads, you felt as if your whole world fell to pieces. You sat and listened to Siddiq's speech about how they died being fighting for their life, but even that didn't help heal your broken heart.

After his speech, you left to be by your lonesome. You were felling all kinds of emotions, from sadness to anger.  You didn't understand how someone can do something so horrific. It really scared how people can be so evil and heartless. You jumped at the sound a women's voice from behind you.

"Hey. You OK?"

You turned around and saw that it was Magna. You didn't know her very well, nor did you say much to her. You knew that she and her group had recently moved to Hilltop after Judith found them fighting off a herde of walkers. You shook your head and looked down to the ground, embarrassed by showing weakness. Magna looked down at you, knowing exactly how you were feeling. She didn't know you very well either, but she knew that you were a strong individual that got knocked down.

"It's OK to be upset. You lost people. But time will heal, and you will be stronger because of this."

You looked up at her and she smiled at you while placing her hand on your shoulder.

"Thank you."

It was gonna be hard, but you knew you knew that things were gonna get better, and that you weren't gonna be alone. Magna was gonna make sure of that.

Actor: Nadia Hilker

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