82) Michonne

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Gif from: Evolution (S09E08)

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Gif from: Evolution (S09E08)

You just received the news that Jesus was killed by some crazy people who were wear walker skin to live, which you thought was sick and disturbing.  You were devastated over his death. Jesus was you closest friend, the one you looked up to the most. You felt lost and alone. You didn't know what to do with your emotions, they were all over the place.  And the worst part is there was no way to stop these skin wearing freaks since all the communities were separated. How were we supposed to stop this threat when didn't have enough people to do so? What happens when they start going after other people? Jesus would have known what to do, he always did. 

You sat on the stairs of the Barrington House, staring at the ground, trying not to let anyone see you cry. You felt a shadow cover the sun above you and you look up to see Michonne standing over you. You haven't see her in a so lon, she didn't look much different, other than how she wore her hair. You never thought that she would ever step foot into Hilltop after what happened in Alexandria and with Rick. Michonne gave you a sad look, she knew how close you and Jesus were, and she knew how much his death hurt you. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Thought I come for a visit. This place has changed a lot since I've last been here"

You looked back down at the ground, not knowing what to say next. Michonne sighed and looked at you. 

"Listen, I know it's hard losing someone close to you. I lost people too. You may think you're alone, but you never are. You still have people here that care about you. You have family here."

You looked up at Michonne. She was right, you still had people here that cared about you, they were your family. But at the same time, being separated from the other communities felt like you all were very much apart. 

"Are we still family?"

Michonne stared at you for a moment. You watched her, waiting for a response from her. 

"We still are"

You gave her a small smile. Hearing those words gave you a small sense of hope. Maybe the loss of Jesus will help bring the communities together and hopefully take down this new threat.

Actor: Danai Gurira

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