(62) Noah

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Gif from: Slabtown (S05E04)

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Gif from: Slabtown (S05E04)

You had a major crush on Noah. You liked him since you arrived at Grady Hospital. He was handsome, kind, and had a good sense. Today was you're chance to ask Noah out. You wrote down a note and placed it on his cart while he wasn't looking. You were in the far end on the hallway. Noah came back and saw a piece of paper lying on the cart. He grabbed it and read it.

"Dear Noah, 

I like you a lot. You are the only person that understands me. You make me smile when I'm down. You make me laugh all the time. You are the light in my life. I really hope you like me back. If your don't, I completely understand. Let me know your answer.

Love, Y/N

Once he was finished reading the note, he looked at you and gave you a nod. You smiled big. Dawn cam in and told you to get back to work. Since then, you and Noah had been together, and you couldn't be happier.

Actor: Tyler James Williams

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