(46) Michonne

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Gif from: Conquer (S05E16)

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Gif from: Conquer (S05E16)

You had just killed a Savior after he was down. You had never killed a human being before. He was helpless and was hurt. He asked you for help and you shot him in the head. After you did that, you felt really guilty. You felt like you committed a horrible crime. You had stayed in your house for the rest of the day. You didn't want to see anyone. Michonne had come to your house to see if you were alright. Glenn told her what had happened and she couldn't help but to comfort you.

"I'm a monster Michonne. I killed a helpless soul. I think you should stay as far away from me as possible"

"Listen Y/N, I'm still with you, no matter what. You're not a monster. I love you so much"

With that, she gave you a kiss and all your guilt slipped away.

Actor: Danai Gurira

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