Jason Grace/Tristan McLean

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I'm panicking.

Why am I panicking? Is not like I'm meeting someone I don't know... In fact, I'm very well acquaintance with this person.

"Then... Why in Jupiter's name am I panicking?!" I repeated again. Only this time, I did it loudly and moved my hands around. Several people turned around on the street to see me, thinking I'm insane.

I might turn like that soon...

"Jason!" I heard before I could have the change to get cold feet and walk away. I turned to see my old friend, Mellie, who was waving at me with that smile that was simply so soft and... breezy. And, considering she is a wind nymph, it was a compliment, as well as a pun "Come on in... We were waiting for you..."

"Yay..." I mumbled lowly, not that excited "Good to see you again, Mellie... How is little Chuck?" I tried to make casual conversation. I couldn't back out now, I was a soldier- well, I was a soldier. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm all freaked out!

"You don't want to know about Chuck, Jason..." I stared at Mellie. Was I that easy to read? I'm doomed! "All you have to do is to breath and ask... Mr. McLean is not that traditional, sweetie..." she comforted me, rubbing my arms. I was sweating already, which makes me wonder why I was so scared or a simple question. I had faced immortal troubles without blinking!

Something is wrong with me...

"I can't understand why I'm so nervous..." I admitted to her "I mean, I've known him since I was fifteen..."

"Just relax, alright, sweetie..." Mellie recommended me. I nodded, while she guided me inside the office. Well, it wasn't a proper office or building, as it was a production company. People were coming and going, not paying attention to me at all, though Mellie could stop one or two to reminded them something or ask something to do next.

I rode the elevator- private elevator, who has that? -playing with my hands and making my mind into the situation.

"Mr. McLean, sir- no, that's too formal..." I mumbled to myself, staring at my reflexion on the polished metal doors "Sir, I'd love to ask you something important... That's way to dramatic..." I scratched my head, thinking "Sir, we have to talk about Piper- no! He would think something happened to her!" I scolded my mind.

I had arrived to my destination and I was still with no words to say, all nervous and sweaty, my glasses might fall off my nose. Could I still escape through a window...?

"Jason!" Nope, too late...

"Mr. McLean..." I greeted him back, pulling my hand out. He simply ignored my hand and hugged me, patting my back. He must have sensed that something was wrong or that I was uncomfortable, because he let me go almost immediately. I stared at him, the way he was dressed. You would think he goes to work with suit and stuff, but he was dressed in a simple white shirt and a pair of jeans, some brown shoes and that was all.

"How many times I have to tell you? It's Tristan, son... You're part of the family already!" he reminded me, while all I could do was smile at him. Damn, this man knows me since I was fifteen! I should be confident enough around him! "Took Leo less than five days to give me a nickname..."

"That's Leo for you..." And Leo is not the one dating your daughter... Also, he's a little sassy too...

"Pipes called em and told me you'd be in town" he told me, while wrapping an arm around my shoulders and taking me to his office.

"Yeah, I have a try out for the Air Force Academy..." I explained, sitting down on the couch in his office. He sat right besides me "The main admission office is here, in San Fransisco... but I'm trying to get my training in New York, as my Aunt lives there..."

"Well, I wish you all the best luck, as I know you won't have any troubles getting in" he encouraged me, patting my back "Plus, it'd be a good idea to keep close to the family, which reminds me that I'm going back to New York in a few weeks, after wrapping up this production contracts' messes... We should have a big dinner, tell your Aunt and friends go come as well..."

"I will, sir- I mean, Tristan" I corrected myself and he smirked at me "Though, I'm not only here because of that..." This was it...

"Oh?" he continued to smirk, which was a little creepy for me, but I didn't let that scare me "What else you came here to do...?"

"I came here to talk to you about someone who is important for both of us" That's the path, keep in the right track...

"Piper, I guess"

"You guessed correctly, sir" Yeah, detaching yourself is a good idea, champ... "You see, I had been thinking this for a while and, I even went asking advice from my cousin, Percy, who let's face it, it's not the brightest lightbulb of the bunch sometimes..." he nodded, agreeing with me "And, even so, I had to ask my Uncle Paul, who is very old fashion-"

"Jason, let me ask you something..." he interrupted me, raising a hand. I shut up, knowing I was rambling "Have you asked Piper yet?" I frowned, not understanding.

"Asked Piper what?"

"That you want to marry her..." The smirk on his face and my mouth hanging open was the clear answer that he was looking for "Jason, you didn't have to come all the way here for my permission-"

"But, everyone said I should!" I half whined to him, not believing my luck "Was I that obvious?"

"From the second you sat down there. Listen, Jason..." he placed a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down "I've known you since my daughter was fifteen, that's like five years ago!" I just listened to him "And, from that moment, you showed me that you are a very responsible and honorable man, for the lack of modern words" he winked at me, trying to relax me "I honestly was impressed that you came all the way here to ask me for permission..."

"So, for the record... Do I have it?"

"Of course!" he chuckled to me "Just for the sake of the tale, let's say I made you sweat and promise impossible things..." This time, I chuckled at him.

"Sir, impossible is kind of my thing..."

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