Michael Kahale/Ceres

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"I don't see why we have to do this" I repeated, losing count of how many times I have said that in the past couple of days. Luckily for me,  I had my best friend Leila that came with me, or I'd have driven myself crazy and quit half-way. Leila rolled my eyes at my complains and patted my shoulder.

"C'mon, Mike... You told me you liked your family!"

"I wasn't lying, if that's what you're implying" And I hadn't. I just don't get along with my father much "I really like my stepmom and all my siblings, but..."

"Your father, I can see it" she agreed with me. Or so I thought, because I saw her waving at someone behind me. I turned around and saw my family waiting for us with a big sign with both our names. It was obvious that my sisters wanted to help with it, because it was decorated with little hearts and pink flowers all around. My brother was shaking his head and looking down, like saying 'I don't know them, it's embarrassing!'

"Mikey! Mikey!" I dropped to my knees to greet my sisters, who launched at me just like jet-skies.

"Oh! Look how big you guys are!" I hugged them and picked them up, twirling them around, earning a few squeaks from them and strange looks from people around. I didn't care much "I missed you guys so much!"

"You may wanna put them down, Mike" I smiled and placed the girls down, before greeting my stepmom "I great to have you back for a while, son..."

"Glad to be back for a while, Mom..." I pulled back, before pushing Leila a little in "Mom, this is Leila, she's a friend of mine back in California..." I gave her a significant look that she quickly got. Unlike other kids with their stepparents, I'm super tight with mine and I tell her everything. She knows everything that goes in my life.

"It's great to finally put a face to the name Mike keeps naming..." I blushed, almost wanting to be dragged down under. Leila simply chuckled and greeted my stepmom with a hug "These are Mike's siblings, Stevie, Ailani and Kai-"

"Don't finish that name, Mom!" Kai begged her, making us laugh a little "Kai, just Kai"

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, 'just Kai'" Leila played along, shaking her hand. Suddenly, we got all a little tense when my father walked to us. I saw how Leila wanted to introduce herself, but I stopped her, squeezing her hand.


"Father" I greeted him. We didn't like how the dynamic of the family changed the second he got closer, but we couldn't change it now. Mom nodded and I knew we were safe, for now. We got into the truck and started talking with my siblings about stupid stuff, like when Ailani blurted out that Stevie fancied a girl or when Kai accidentally got chased by the neighbor's dog because she had bacon on her bag-pack.


I'm regretting coming home.

Not even three hours since Leila and I landed in Hawaii and my father is not helping us with the welcome feeling. Ailani and Kai are grateful to have another girl in the house and they entertain Leila with girl stuff while Stevie dragged me to play some video games without being bothered by the girls. Mom was even happy that we helped with dinner, Leila making her famous cuscus dish that everyone likes back in the Legion.

Apparently, that was too much to my father.

"We don't eat deer food in this house!" he had yelled, making Leila look meek "You come to our house and forces us to eat your food, won't be happy till everyone is like you?!" Things got ugly afterwards, as Leila began crying and my siblings were covering their ears because of the shouting. I started to defend Leila back, before my father stormed out of the house.

My mother later had explained to me and Leila, that it had nothing to do with the food itself, but with his bad luck with the crops. Leila immediately wanted to help, but I stopped her from that. I didn't want my father to unload his anger to her again with no reason. Mom took Leila and the kids to the mall to distract them, while I stayed at home, working my anger.

"You better come with me" I heard from my room's door. Frowning, I turned around to see a woman dressed in brownish clothes, looking like a toga. I know that because I wear one. Her hair was long and brown as well, and her skin was toasted, as if she was a toasted sunflower seed. On her head, I saw a crown made of corn, surprisingly. You didn't need to be a genius to know who she was, but her resemblance to Leila helped a lot.

"Should I ask how you got into my house?" I wondered, knowing it was possibly I didn't get an answer.

"No" she smirked and gestured me again to go with her. I sighed and followed her outside the house and towards the unattended and left alone crops that were in the back of the property. Thanks to the fact that my father was a descendant from a Pearl Harbor veteran, he inherited my grandfather's lands.

"What are we doing here? We cannot make the crops grow magically, it would piss off my father to no end..." I added at the end, making sure that it wasn't because I don't believe in magic, but more of the consequences of that.

"Oh, I'm not gonna regrow the crops" she admitted to me, shocking me "Would you accept, however, a bit of advise that your father rejected?"

Reject freely given advise from a goddess? That happens to be the mother of my best friend?

"Better me than her" I shrugged, willing to listen to her.

It's going to be a long, looong stay here in Hawaii...


Hello, guys!

Oh, I have so much to share with you, but the first thing I want to do is to give a big shout out to my beau (actually, is the first time I call him that) on our One Year Anniversary! Babe, I love you! 💜💜💜

To commemorate today, I wrote a special piece that you can find in the #TeenWolf section of the fiction under the name of The Wolf and the Hunter Witch. It's my first incursion in Teen Wolf, so don't be harsh on me. It has the proper author's note there, so don't expect to find this there!

On other news, let's go to the stories!

Mortals, Meet... the In-Laws: one chapter!

Character, Meet... Character: one chapter!

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: one chapter!

Garden Wall: two chapters!

On a side note, whoever follows my collab in FanFiction with Hugs6 called How I Met My Brother, let me tell you that we're taking a hiatus from posting. We're still writing the story, but not had the time to post! Stay tuned!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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