Will Solace/Hades

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Thirty-six hours...

Two thousand, one hundred and sixty minutes...

That's how long I've been without sleep...

In a short sentence, I hate residences!

I know I shouldn't be complaining, but the amount of things I've been doing in these last hours means I need a very good earned rest. That my own boyfriend thinks is inhuman to do this, is also disturbing. I sort of accepted when I started doing my residences, but now, all I wanna do is go home, take a shower and a long, looong nap.

"Will, we have ten incoming. Building in fire..." a fellow resident informed me, pulling me out of my fantasy. I tried not to groan, but it was impossible. I was running on caffeine and my eyelashes were about to drop. But, I rushed to the entrance, ready to be there when the ambulances arrived. On my way there, I saw a man sitting on the ER waiting room. I didn't see anything unusual, as many people wait for family or friends, but there was something on him...

I knew that man from somewhere.

I could not divagate anymore. The ambulances had arrived and we had ten casualties, three in critical conditions. The doctors took on the critical conditions, while the residents dealt with the slightly burnt and scared rest of them. However, my experience in Camp taught me than nothing was what it seemed and, after checking the non-critical, we found out two more with respirator problems and one with a broken ankle.

That gave us six in critical as total.

Fortunately for us, the other four were stabled soon, and even though I couldn't heal them completely, we could take them to the waiting room. We were close to a black code and none of us knew how to deal with that situation. I sighed and decided to be useful.

"Guys, ER is exploding..." I pointed out at them, serious "Why don't be go check them, so if they're not in danger, they can go home...?" I suggested. Some of the residents nodded, but a few were doubtful. Not blaming them either.

"We're not doctors. We could give a wrong diagnosis..." one girl said, earning more doubtful looks from everyone.

"True" I admitted to them, not denying it. What was the point of doing so? "But, if we don't release some of the patiences that are waiting, this will turn into a massive black code and I know none of us want to deal with that, do we?" I didn't want to deal with that! That seemed to convinced them and, as a group we headed to the ER waiting room.

"I'll talk to the nurse to see if a clinical doctor is free to help us..." One guy told us and we nodded, except me, because I was starting talking to the people there.

"Hi, there... How can we help you?" I asked a woman, who was holding a baby girl in arms. Next to her, a boy with a red ruddy nose was sitting. He looked feverish, with his eyes wanting to close and shivered, despite the 80 degrees out there.

"My son, he... His fever is not slowing down..." she explained to me. I nodded, and I could feel the eyes of the other residents, wondering what I was doing. I kneeled in front of the boy, who cowered a little behind his mother.

"Hello, buddy... I'm Will. What's your name?" I introduced myself, wanting some familiarity with the boy.

"Josh..." he told me. I smiled and pulled out my stethoscope "Are you a doctor? I've never seen a doctor..."

"Well, I'm a nurse here, not a doctor yet..." I twisted the truth a little. It's take me some time to explain what a resident was "But, I can do something that doctors can... I can do magic, you wanna see?" The boy perked up and nodded. I placed my stethoscope on his ears and on my chest "Hear that?" He nodded again, his eyes widen big "That's my heart, can you hear yours?" He placed it on his chest and looked worried.

"I sound different..." Frowning, I heard his heartbeats and sighed, relaxed.

"Nope, you sound fine... Want some water?" I did know some little magic tricks and pulled out a plastic water glass from my side. He giggled and took it, drinking the water eagerly. He even licked his lips afterwards "Ma'am, I think your son was dehydrated... Of course, I can be wrong, but go home and give him plenty of water... If he doesn't get better, come here again tomorrow..." I told his mother, who sighed in relief. After a wave and a smile, they left.

"That was a way to deal with the Fates..." I heard behind me, only to face the man I knew I know him from somewhere. His skin was pale, but it made him look skinny, thanks ti his bushy heard and dark hair. He was dressed in black, but simple shirt and jeans. He had a particular ring on his right hand that made me realize from where I know him.

A skull ring.

Nico's father.

"One of the reasons why I decided to have this job..." I acknowledged to him, serious "Do you usually come to lurk in the ER's or only where I work?" I was more curious than anything, but I had to be prepared for the possibility.

"An unfortunate coincidence, I assure you" Somehow, I didn't believe him, but I kept quiet "But, I'm glad to see Nico made a fine choice... He's lucky not to have a parent like Demeter and you mot to have a mother-in-law like her"

"Um, thank you...?" I questioned, not sure. He smirked and nodded, walking away, heading towards the intensive care wing. I tried not to think about it, before facing my speechless fellow residents "What are you waiting for? You still have twelve hours to complete this round, let's move!"


Hello, guys!

Once again is Sunday! I have no much to tell you this weekend about myself, except for a few news I have regarding my stories, so I better get down to it!

One: today, I'm posting two chapters of Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws and one chapter of Percy Jackson, son of Chaos. Hope you like them!

Two: next weekend, probably, I won't be posting as regularly. Why? Because next weekend (at least in Argentina, I ignore other countries) is Father's Day. So, I will complete and update my two former Father's Day Specials. Only in Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pg/SilverHuntresses/posts/), you'd be able to download the full chapters (with all its previous versions!)

Three: I know already which story (or two, maybe *eyebrow wiggle*) will be posting from July on...

Four: I wanna apologize to the people who asked me requests! I'm so delayed and I need to make them ASAP! They're my number 1 priority after Father's Day! I promise to have them soon!

Five: I'm behind in my Penana and Quotev.com sites, so please have patient with me...

Well, I have nothing else to share, please check your preferred reading site!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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