A/N: Father's Day

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Hello, guys!

First things first, I want to congratulate and wish everyone's Father a Happy Day (I know is Father's Day in England and USA, besides Argentina). If someone's from a country where is not celebrated, I wanna know... I'm curious about the world that way 😊😊

As promised, here you have the link to my very own cloud server! MEGA here will help me share with you my specials chapters for Father's Day. I advise a bit of caution, as my autocorrect is another language and I might have missed some mistakes... Thankfully, I can share the link here, but if you cannot, go to my Facebook account! Here are both links:



I'll try to complete all the pending work I have, please be patient with me, as work and things had got in the way...

Again, I hope you have a great Father's Day, no matter with a father, a brother, an uncle, a grandfather or even someone you consider a father (father of the heart, I like to call it)...

See you around the week!
xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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