Drew Tanaka/Dionysus

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I could not honestly believe that it was happening to me!

Alright, in my defense, I've changed a lot since the last war and they thought I could be more 'approachable'... but they know my stand when it comes to bugs and things like... solitude! It just don't fit me! I hate the silence and obviously hate being surrounded by bugs!

I know what you're thinking. I know that I live more than three months a year in a outdoors' camp, but that doesn't mean I like to be near the strawberries! No, I'm not allergic. And no, I like to eat them, but that's were my contact with them fades! I don't wanna be the chaperone of the fields because the Demeter kids are having a flu day!

I could still hear Will's voice, diving the orders...

"...the last issue today is that, unfortunately for us, Katie and her siblings got the flu..." Will had explained, seriously looking tired "So, if anyone wants to volunteer a cabin for the job... It would only be a couple of days..." I was standing in for Piper, who was in Camp Jupiter, but I knew I wasn't interested in that- "Thanks for the offer, Drew. Cabin 10 will deal with the look out of the strawberry fields"

Not how I planned on starting my week!

So now, I'm sitting under the shade of a tree, watching how everyone is having fun while I look after this stupid strawberries. I swear I won't eat strawberries after this... Watching a bunch of berries was boring and, at some point of the day, my eyes got tired and closed, because I don't remember falling asleep. I was awaken by the least expected person.


"Falling asleep while on duty, uh Drew?" he teased me, but I was not in the mood. I looked at him closely and noticed he had a tray of food "It was going to be only for me, but I guess you need it more than me..." he replied, noticing how I was eyeing the food. I huffed and looked away, still too upset by the job to do anything else.

"I just want my round to be over..." I admitted, surprising myself. Pollux sat next to me and didn't say anything. Finally, I snapped "I hate this silence, I don't know how people can say silence is great! I'm driving myself crazy just with the wind and watching bugs walk around! This is not me!"

"Who told you to be something else?" The unexpected answer made me turn to Pollux, confused "You,re here to look after the strawberry fields because Katie is sick, yes. But no one told you to do it her way..." I kept staring at him, blinking. If I blinked any more faster, I'd making a hurricane. How I was so stupid to not see it?!

"You... You're right..." I said, the chip finally falling in my mind. He chuckled at me and left the food before leaving. He probably assumed that I was going to be myself while looking after the fields. But, he just gave me an idea that I'm not sure that it could work... all I needed was concentration "Stay away..." I mumbled, charging it with all the power I could.

But the bugs kept walking.

"Maybe I need to be more specific..." I reasoned, my hands curling into fists "Stay away from the strawberries" I felt how it sounded. More confident, more powerful. I just hope no camper was lurking around when I was trying this. I saw a few ladybugs that were about to land on a strawberry fly away in the opposite direction. I smiled to myself and tried one more time "Stay away from the strawberries and tell your friends to stay away from them as well!" I almost shouted.

This time, it did worked better, as the bugs left the fields and back into the woods. I started to laugh in relief and confidence. Can't believe I did it!

"That's a technique I never asked myself to try..." I heard behind me and I turned around, ready to. Run when I saw someone I know, but never had the chance to talk to. He was fat, with chubby face and drunk-shot purple eyes. His tiger-stamped shirt was, thank the gods, closed and was walking in slippers, with a khaki short. For a second, I thought he looked mad, but I was still alive and not turned into any animal "Oh, stop cowering like a bug!"

"Sorry, Mr. D" I decided to stand tall, listening. What else could I do? He was the 'Director' of Camp, I was not taking unnecessary risks.

"Have to say, I never thought to ask Aphrodite to tell the bugs to leave my crops alone..." he mentioned, thoughtful. Thankfully, he wasn't looking at me, or I'd be feeling uncomfortable "How long will it last?"

"Um, I'm not sure, sir... It was my first try-" I acknowledged to him, but he cut me off.

"Alright, you can go!" he dismissed me, almost shooing me from the fields "Come back in a few hours or I'll send a satyr to get you when it fails... Though I'm surprised it hasn't failed yet" I gritted my teeth, leaving the fields, a little insulted and embarrassed. Not even Piper had humiliated me that way! At least, no one was watching when he did it...

"Solved your problem already?" I kept walking, not really wanting to talk to anyone. And definitely not Pollux "Yo, Drew! I'm-" When I finally reached my cabin, I slammed the door closed and curled up in my bed. Also, thankfully, was no one around to see me like this "Drew, open up!" Pollux insisted.

"You better go get a chair, buddy..." I heard Mitchel tell him "You're in for a loooong wait..."


Hello, guys!

Once again is Sunday! I have no much to tell you this weekend about myself, except for a few news I have regarding my stories, so I better get down to it!

One: today, I'm posting two chapters of Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws and one chapter of Percy Jackson, son of Chaos. Hope you like them!

Two: next weekend, probably, I won't be posting as regularly. Why? Because next weekend (at least in Argentina, I ignore other countries) is Father's Day. So, I will complete and update my two former Father's Day Specials. Only in Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pg/SilverHuntresses/posts/), you'd be able to download the full chapters (with all its previous versions!)

Three: I know already which story (or two, maybe *eyebrow wiggle*) will be posting from July on...

Four: I wanna apologize to the people who asked me requests! I'm so delayed and I need to make them ASAP! They're my number 1 priority after Father's Day! I promise to have them soon!

Five: I'm behind in my Penana and Quotev.com sites, so please have patient with me...

Well, I have nothing else to share, please check your preferred reading site!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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