Dylan Trenton/Bellona

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It all started with a school project.

Luckily for me, my triplets were in the same class and could present it together, or I'd be helping them doing three equal projects and that would be a waste of stationary. I thought they would be asking their mother for help, but they came to me, which was a little more surprising. Not that Rey was hard to reach.

"Daddy!" Eliana called me, making me look up from my halfway read notes.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I acknowledged her, with a tired smile.

"What do you know about Grandpa and Grandma?" It was Dante who asked the question. He was serious and even confusing about what he asked. I frowned, not really understanding, but decided to answer anyway.

"I thought I had told you how Grandpa and Grandma met" I admitted, placing my pen down "If you guys wanna hear it again-"

"Not those, Daddy!" Divina snapped at me. I raised an eyebrow at her, worrying about how she will behave when she turns sixteen, because if this is her behavior at seven, I'm placing more strict rules at home "Mommy's!"

"Yeah, it's for the family tree project!" Eliana added, as if that could compensate how her sister snapped at me. Dante simply stood in his place, waiting for my reply. I admitted to myself that it was a bit alarming that I knew nothing of Rey's parents, as I've only met Hylla and we got along well.

"Well, you can either ask Mommy when she gets from work or you can call your Aunt Hylla..." I suggested, not really sure how to help. Though I was certain to have a conversation as soon as Reyna got home. The triplets were a little disappointed (especially Eliana) but agreed to talk to Reyna when she got home. I ushered them to bed after dinner, knowing Reyna wouldn't be home early.

I almost scolded myself when I see a tired Reyna coming home, but I cannot see a way to avoid this for longer. All I knew about her parents was that one was dead and the other one, stranded. She never talks about them or has pictures. All pictures are from me, her, the triplets and Hylla. Oh, and her friends from San Fransisco and New York.

"Sorry I'm late again, but was finishing the last of work, so I have Friday off too!" she explained to me, making me smile for her intentions in putting the kids first "Are they asleep yet?" she greeted me with a kiss.

"Rey, we have to talk" I interrupted her. Apparently, my tone was more serious than I intended, because she turned ice serious "Please, sit down... Now, let me warn you is nothing bad, the kids aren't in troubles and I'm not mad at you" She relaxed, but I could see she was still on guard "However, the kids came asking questions for a project I cannot answer, because you only have them" She stared at me, confused "It's about your parents"

That was the last thing she expected me to say. After a little arguing (we can call it exchange of opinions as we never raised our voices to shouts), she told me the truth about them. I listened to her and, when she finished, I warned her the triplets were gonna ask about them in the morning. She nodded, knowing it was inevitable.

The next morning, while I was at work and Rey took the kids to school, I found myself facing someone I never met before. Said person was already in my office, sitting like if she had been waiting for a long time. She was dressed in a twenties fashion attire, with pencil skirt and matching jacket with epaulet. Her shoes were twenties style too and her hair was short, under a hat with a couple of feathers.

"You must be Mr. Dylan Trenton" she spoke to me, turning around on the chair. She gave me a look with fiery eyes that I've seen before. The woman in front of me wasn't older than thirty, which explains many of the things Reyna explained to me many years ago "I assume you know who I am"

"I can guess, Mrs..."

"I have no last name, as you know, Mr. Trenton" she narrowed her eyes at me. I wasn't intimidated by her, I've been too many time under those looks by Rey. And Hylla (those are scary) "Though, however, I believe that it was time to finally meet us"

"Oh, really?" I retorted back, sitting behind my desk "What was your first clue?" I cannot help but to remark at her, slightly angry. Her expression didn't change.

"You'd do well in respect me, Mr. Trenton"

"I receive those and more kinds of threat everyday, thanks to the work of my wife, your daughter" I emphasized, narrowing my own eyes "But, like yours, those don't frighten me, as I know Reyna and me are doing an excellent job"

"Doing what?"

"Annoying you" I confessed to her, watching her surprise "I can understand that you, technically, cannot have contact with your kids. But was it that hard to bend the rules for your daughter's wedding, nine years ago? You're not even bending the rules to meet your grandkids, which they are seven now. You know how embarrassed Reyna was when she had to ask to the father of a friend of walk her down the aisle?"

"You don't understand-"

"And I don't want to" I cut her, serious "You want to curse me, fine. Do it. You want to talk to your daughter, go to her. Apparently, you don't care enough to check once in a while, why should I care when you do bother?" She was silent for a while longer, before nodding.

"How many kids?"

"Three. Triplets" I announced to her, somehow, my father pride coming to scene "Divina, Dante and Eliana"

"Dante?" she repeated, in surprise "That's funny, I had a son called Dante... Very famous, the boy..."


Hello, guys!

First of all, I'd like to apologize for the long absence. Again. Things have been hectic lately and I'd had to organize them before continuing with my writing. As I'm writing this, I'm trying to catch up with all the delay posting, but I'm pretty sure that I'll be back at regular pace by the end of the month. I beg your patience for it.

Which leads me to remind you all that, I have made a Facebook page for my A/N and any news/rants/explanations/thing I like to be posted there. I know I said I'd just post there, but apparently everyone loves my A/N, so I'll post them here and there. The page is written down:


As it is April's 1st (also known as April's Fool) I won't be playing pranks, as I cannot make them! However, I will do update my stories (or some of them) during the day. And probably tomorrow.

Today, I will update Percy Jackson, son of Chaos, Garden Wall, Urgent! Inspiration: Needed and Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws. Any chapters that are missing from Mortals: Meet... 2 will be post ASAP, probably tomorrow when I finish them.

As I mentioned in a post on Facebook, Mortals: Meet... 2 is coming to an end. Although it was a pleasure and a privilege to write almost 200 chapters about Percy and his friends (and making up a few futures and two lovely spin-offs of my own), I'm running out of ideas, which is why I'm slowing my writing a little: I wanna supply the demand, but I don't have resources. Which is why I decided, with a heavy heart, that it won't be a third part.

Also, I'd like to let you know that, I wanna finish Urgent! Inspiration: Needed before focusing in another story (not many chapters to finish, either... Probably I'll finish in May... or mid-April if I charge my batteries). I realized I tried to handle more than I can take and I'm not as focus as I was at the beginning, as life takes unexpected turns. That being said, it doesn't mean I will be giving up my writing and my stories, as it means too much to me.

Maybe, I'll diversify myself into a new fandom...? Or random stories...? Who knows...

Please, check my Facebook page as I'll be using Drive's new feature of making polls so you can vote! That allows me having more than one poll at the time!

Again, I apologize for the lateness and I appreciate your patience.

xoxo, Silver

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