Charles Beckendorf/Mr. Beauregard

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"So, which one of these you think is the best?" I asked outloud, as my girlfriend was making something to snack in the kitchen. Granted, Silena's cooking abilities aren't the best one, but she tries and I like that in her.

"Seriously, Charlie... You have to choose the one you feel it could release your potential" I stared in her direction, surprised by that deep suggestion. No, I'm not saying my girlfriend is dumb, but sounded like it came out of a movie and not her lips. When she finally rejoined me in the living room, she stared at me, staring at her "What?"

"Did you heard that in a movie? Or you just thought of it?" I wondered, not able to leave it alone. Silena rolled her eyes and chuckled, placing a tray down.

"A movie" she admitted, smirking. I laughed with her and grabbed some brochures of colleges that offered my a scholarship thanks to my abilities in the forge. That it's great, as a scholarship will allow me to help Mom into not placing all the economical situation on her shoulders "But, I think it applies here, Charlie... Which school you think it's better for you?"

"There are so many factors I have to count here..." I admitted, sighing. So many things to consider, my Mom, Silena, Camp...

"How about we make a list?" she suggested, pulling out a notebook and a pen, making columns and writing the names of all the colleges on the top "OK, you tell me what factors you consider important and then, we'll go one by one, placing a cross if they have it or a line if they don't, what do you say?"

"That I love you, you know that?" I blurted out, blushing a tad for saying it like that. I thanked the gods my skin is slightly dark so she wouldn't be able to see it, but she did blushed and kissed my cheek.

"I love you too, now..." she urged me to say things. I sighed and began naming things I considered factors to allow me choose college. Finally, I had several, Silena and Mom in between them "So, we have... 'Good Workshop', 'Close to Home', 'Camp Time in Summer', 'Close to Me', 'Good Credits', 'Cheap Doorms'... Anything else?"

"Add there 'Good Mechanic Program'" I added, and she wrote it down, biting her lower lip. I picked up a cracker and take a bite "Sometimes, I wonder if growing up is something I want..." Silena stopped writing and looked at me "I mean, were you hurried to grow up?"

"There's only a couple of reason for me to grow up..." she confessed, leaning her head on my shoulder "One of them was that I wanted to wear make-up, but I didn't like it afterwards..." I chuckled at that "Another one was finding someone that would think of me the same way Daddy thinks of Mom- I know, I know is not the same, but the... longing. I wanted that" I heard her explaination, in silence "That's why I never supported Drew's idea of 'dating-and-dumping'... I'd hate to see the cabin under her rulement..." she shuddered and I pulled her closer.

"Silena, pumpkin!" The door being opened made us jump apart, blushing like insane. It was ridiculous! But, it was like our moment and we were giggling a couple of seconds "I brought you those candies you like and- oh! I didn't see you there, Charlie" I cringed inside when Mr. Beauregard said my name, but I controlled it.

"Hello, Mr. Beauregard" I greeted him, getting up and pulling out my hand to shake his. Mr. Beauregard was tall and slim, with a gentle smile and happy eyes. They had what Silena mentioned before, the longing in them for her mother "Please, let me help you with that" I took the bags from his hands, even though it was just one.

"Why, thank you" he thanked me, while Silena greeted her father.

"Daddy, I can't believe you called me 'pumpkin' in front of Charlie!" I could hear Silena complain to her father, making me chuckle in silence "I thought we talked about this?"

"But, pump- You'll always be my pumpkin, sweetie..." Mr. Beauregard tried to explain. I knew Silena wasn't upset that her father called her 'pumpkin', it was more that I heard it "What? Charlie calls you like that too?" I could sense his slight fear about it. Fear of being replaced.

"Daddy, Charlie doesn't call me 'pumpkin', if that's what you're worried about" Silena reassured him "But, please don't call him 'Charlie', he doesn't like it..." I bet anything Mr. Beauregard is frowning at that.

"But his name is Charlie... What do you mean he doesn't like it? And why you called him that if he doesn't like it?" There was no malice in his voice, just pure curiosity.

"Cause, Daddy, only I called him like that... Is like my nickname for him" I showed up my face and winked at her.

"Then, I should call him by his last name? That's how everyone calls him?" he scratched his head, confused. Silena nodded and hugged him.

"Can you try? For me, please?" she begged him.

"Are you charmspeaking me?" His tone was slightly stern. Silena frowned and pouted "Alright, I know you weren't, but I wanted to make sure... Fine, I'll try to use his last name... And if I can't, you can- you can... You can improve my chocolate recipes!" Silena opened her eyes, clearly in shock.

"Really? No complains, no nothing, Daddy?"

"I'll adapt, sweetie. Deal?"

"Deal" I smiled at that, leaning against the wall.

Soon, it'd be time for us to fight at war, but I know we'll do everything in our power to come back.

To this.

To home.


I wanted to add a small epilogue, with Mr. Beauregard finding Silena's secret recipes book and naming a bonbon 'The Beau & The Beck', but my heart started crying before writing it.


Hello, guys

First of all, i want to apologize for not posting last Sunday. You see, last Sunday was my grandfather's birthday and it was held at home, so I was greeting guests all day. By the time the party ended, I had to clean up all the mess and I was tired. I know it's not excuse, but it's the truth.

Also, since Monday midday till this morning I was without power. And no power means no wifi nor electricity. Which is why I'm posting today.

I'll be posting today 3 chapters of Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws (had it a little forgotten!), 1 chapter of Percy Jackson, son of Chaos and the final 7 chapters of Mortals: Meet... 2 (last chapter will have its own emotional goodbye note).

I remind you that you have time till next Wednesday to vote on my next story, here or in my in Facebook (your choice).

Also, I want to let you know that I'll update my and Penana sites (I have them a little forgotten). Once I do, I'll post a post (;p) with all my sites so you can check them out.

Signing out!
xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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