Chiara Benvenuti/Nemesis

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The same day as Damien's interview...

I had visited my 'friend' Damien yesterday.

Why I say 'friend' like this?

Because the fool doesn't probably realize that he's actually dating me. He gave me a nickname and everything, for Tyche! I mean, I like him very much and even he didn't realize (or maybe he did, you can never know with that guy) that Apollo was trying to 'stole me from him'. First, I refuse to be treated as an object! What is this? The fifteen century?! And I didn't like Apollo, damn! Hell, I still don't like him!

Back to the point!

Damien had an job interview and was kind of nervous about it, specially with the 'Nemesis is my Mom and things can go wary' and stuff. And, though I tolerate my own Mom, being the daughter of Tyche isn't easy either. So, it's a good thing that we complement ourselves, right? So, I went to his house, hoping that some of my magic luck could attach to him.

But this morning, strange things started to happen around me.

For starters, the alarm of my clock didn't sound. And when I checked, my clock had stopped working too.

When I go to take a shower, I have no hot water.

When I got to make my breakfast, I had run out of coffee.

And I was late for my college class.

Needless to say, I swore all the way to college. Which was a miracle itself because I did it running, as I didn't trust any of the public transportation systems that could take me there. I was surprised I hadn't run our of air in my lungs! I know it can't, but I was saying it!

When I arrived to my class, everyone was leaving, saying the teacher hadn't even showed up and that the grades of the class would be upload to the website, meaning the entire class could see my grade. Or I could see all the grades of the entire class. Or that the entire class could see all the grades. Pick one option, but the point remains!

By the time I got home, I was exhausted, frustrated and hungry. And I thought my luck had run out when I saw lights on in my apartment. Immediately, I pulled out something from my bag (thinking backwards, pulling out a notebook wasn't the best weapon, but by the luck I was having all day, I couldn't assure I had a knife in there) and walked in tiptoeing.

I saw a woman in the kitchen, cooking around and murmuring to herself. Not caring if it was a monster in disguise or an actual woman, I lifted my notebook (again, worst weapon in retrospective) just when the woman turned around. Immediately, the face of the person I hated the most in the entire world was in front of me.

I was seeing my mother.

"M-Mom...?" I blurted out, not even thinking. She stared at me, in total surprise.

"So, the daughter of Tyche sees Tyche..." I frowned, not understanding how those words made sense to her, but the image switched to a different person in front of me. She had curly black hair and a leather jacket wrapped around her shoulders, looking like the typical biker "Of course, you weren't expecting me..."

"Nemesis..." Again, my mouth wasn't thinking. More like my brain wasn't filtering my mouth "Um, something I can do for you...?" I was trying to be polite, but I simply couldn't take more shite today. Nemesis, to my big surprise, simply chuckled at me.

"Well, you already did it, Lucky" I winced when she used Damien's nickname on me. With him? I really don't mind... Other? Well, looks like I do mind... "I made a bet with your mother and, since she lost-" There was a shock! "-we exchanged kids for a day, so while you were having a terrible bad day, Damien had a great day. Oh, by the way, he's on the other room, he doesn't know I'm here..."

"Um, alright...?" OK! So my bad day was because I was being 'blessed' by Nemesis... Not a great shock there, I kind of thought it.

"Oh, and two more thing... Your mother would like to apologize whenever you two have the chance... You know, a mother-daughter chat..."

"I can't wait till it happens..." I muttered to myself.

"Number two, whatever happened today won't have long term repercussions, unless you decide them to exist..." she explained to me, making me frown.


"Oh, you'll see!" she waved at me and I knew it was my cue to look away while she flashed out. Just like she disappeared, Damien walked in, with the biggest grin I had ever seen on him.

"Oh, I'm so glad you are home!" he scooped me in his arms and twirled me around, hugging me tight. I hugged him back, mainly to not fall or get dizzy, as I didn't understand what had him this happy!

"Damien, what the Hell are you so happy about?!" I demanded to him. He simply grabbed my face and kissed me, shocking the Hades out of me. By the time I realized I had to kiss back, he pulled back and was still with his stupid grin.

"I got the job! And you were right! The swap really worked!" I was so dazzled and speechless, I think it was a first time for me. Then, again, lots of things were happening for the first time to me now.

"That's- that's great!" I managed to say, actually happy for him.

After that, I will admit we didn't talk much.

Now, I don't care who is more lucky of us. I'm lucky just to have him.


Like I probably mentioned before, I don't own a copy of Trials of Apollo, so my portraits of both Damien and Chiara come directly from the description in the wiki page. Which wiki page? Rick Riordan's wiki page! And, before someone asks, no I don't mind the spoilers. Are you're free to critic my characterization of them, but with respect, thank you.


The last chapter of this fabulous book... Wow, I could never believe that I'd be doing it, if someone had told me years ago... I want to thank every review, follower, like and even to those silent readers who read and don't leave evidence behind... Thank you! Gracias! Obrigado! Merci! Grazie! Arigato! Xié xie! And all other languages I don't even know!

In other words.



Hello, guys!

First of all, I want to apologize for my absence the past two weeks, but I've been with personal and work problems. Though, it's not a surprise I have work problems as December is a month when all the problems seem to appear. And let's not talk about all the things school dumps us with!

Anyway, here are the updates of the past two weeks. WARNING! Many stories coming to an end! If you follow any of these, prepare your tissues and subscribe to my profile, otherwise you won't get new stories... (If not interested, non taken, is a free world)

Before anything, each last chapter has its appropriate thanks and stuff, but I want to give l thanks to those who followed, liked, comment and suggested my stories during this year. 2017 was a different year and I'm more than grateful for your support.

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: LAST 2 CHAPTERS!

Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws: LAST 2 CHAPTERS!

Characters: Meet... Characters: LAST 2 CHAPTERS!

Changing Legacy: Unique Chapter. Under the label of SkyHigh, this is my present to my boyfriend for his birthday. Wolf, I love you so much!

Please, check my Christmas update, where I hope I can give you a hint of what's coming next year!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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