Clovis/Mr. Victor

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I was failing.

I was failing miserably.

The only problem? I wanted to fail!

"Clovis!" Laurel flickers her fingers on my forehead, rather painfully I have to admit.

"That wasn't necessary, Laurel..." I complained to her, rubbing my forehead. She frowned at me, arms crossed.

"How can we do a contest about not falling asleep when my competition is halfway against it without putting a fight?"

"Well, I would call that a smart thinking, choosing an opponent that could lose halfway the race...?" I tried to make her see that, no matter what she did, she was going to win, she loves that too much to be honest. And apparently, she didn't like it "You remind me of Annabeth sometimes..." She raised an eyebrow, clearly not liking to be compared to someone like the daughter of Athena.

"You have thirty seconds to explain that to me..." she left the threat hanging. I rolled my eyes and gave her the explanation.

"A couple of years ago, Percy went on a quest with Annabeth in the labyrinth, you know that part?" She nodded, knowing it was a very popular campfire story. Percy and Annabeth always seem to not want to tell the story, looking slightly embarrassed and it's always end up being told by Rachel, the Oracle, while she laughs through it "Well when she and Percy encounter the Sphinx, she started to ask Annabeth questions about a bunch of random fact and she refused to answer, saying it was an insult to her intelligence..."

Laurel stared at me in silence for several seconds, before nodding, still looking upset.

"It's not honorable to win to an opponent that you know you're going to beat..."

"So, would you chose the hare or the turtle?" She turned to me, clearly surprised by my question

"I beg your pardon?"

"You do know the tale of the hare and the turtle, right?" Thakfully, she nodded at me "Well, in real life, which one would you chose?"

"Are you saying you want a hare and a turtle to have a competition instead of us?"

"Take it whatever you like, Laurel... But you still haven't answered my question..." I pointed out, really, really wishing that I could go back to sleep. Laurel even seemed to delay the answer to make me sleepy and flicker my forehead again to wake me up and annoy me "I'm falling asleep here..." I told her, closing my eyes. She clapped her hands really hard and I opened my eyes.

"I chose the hare!" I looked at her and nodded "Next weekend, we'll go to the city and we'll have that race"

"Deal. Now, can I go back to sleep?"

She didn't even reply. She simply pushed me back onto the couch and I was snoring by the time I hit the pillow.


I fell asleep while Argus took me and Laurel to the city.

The sooth movement of the van was actually better than any lullaby that I know of and it was a great sleep, without counting how uncomfortable were the seats. My Mom says she envies my ability to fall asleep anywhere. I like to blame it on my Dad, which makes her laugh and say 'you're right'.

"Clovis!" Laurel spoke in my ear, waking me up.i glared a little to her.

"Would you mind? I was having a very good dream with Cheryl, Veronica and Dark Betty-"

"Keep your fantasies for later, Archie. We're here" she mocked me, while getting down from the van. She walked into what it looked like an abandon building so, I followed her inside, mainly because she was the one guiding me and I didn't know where we were going.

"Care to tell me where are we going?" I asked her. But she simply kept on walking straight up, taking a few turns around. I almost lost her once, but I found her immediately, looking exasperated at me "It would help that you could slow down and tell me where are we going..."

"I don't have to... because we're here" she pointed out, showing me a large floor that was prepared as a race track. It was obvious it wasn't a race track for humans, because it was tiny. Plus, the hare and the turtle in cages waiting for us along with a man were clues enough of what we were about to do.

"You called for a crowd too?" I wondered to her, not helping to be a little sarcastic about it. The man waiting for us replied for her.

"Apparently, everyone was too busy to be witnesses of how the hare should had always been the rightful winner..." The color of the hair and the thirst of winning gave away immediately that this man was either related to Laurel as a half sibling or he was her father. Only one way to find out... "How is your sister doing, Laurel?"

"Holly is doing fine, Daddy..." I glanced at Laurel, not believing my ears. But I wisely kept quiet. "She wanted to see how long she could meditate without being interrupted or annoyed, so she's basically camp's target now..."

"Who's the sleepy one there?" he pointed at me, right in the middle of my yawn. Laurel rolled her eyes.

"Clovis. He believes the turtle will win-"

"Ha! You believe in that ridiculous fable, kid?" he questioned me, but didn't give me time to reply "Hope you're not too disappointed when your turtle loses..." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't care much. Set the animals, Laurel, I need a nap..." I yawned again and let her do everything because 'no one does it better than me!' hibris. Percy once said it was 'worse than Annabeth's'.

"You always need a nap, Clovis..."

"True. Wake me up when one of them wins..." I agreed, laying on the floor, having forgotten of the tiny detail that I was the one holding out the food for the animals...

Laurel will wake me up to kill me when she loses...


Hello, boys and girls!

Welcome to November, everyone! I hope you had a great October and I would like to hear about your Halloween costumes! Of course, if you celebrate the holiday... Funny enough, Argentina doesn't celebrate Halloween to ask for candy but to an excuse to have costume parties and watch scary movies. However, in my neighborhood, several stores agreed on having a candy-ask thing, so all small kids were dressed up! It was cute and funny at the same time!

Anyway, you don't care about that! Let's move onto the stories!!

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: 1 chapter! It doesn't reveal much, but it gives an insight of some important things as well...

Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws: 2 chapters! After finding some inspiration and some demigods, I wrote you guys something for those who were asking for it...

Speaking of which, a big shout out to Ashuri Benturi (where have you been, girl? Welcome back, I missed your anonymous comments! They are so hard to reply...) who tried to help me continue Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws, but instead gave me a better idea that I have to line out... In other words, I'l slightly busy right now and you have to wait for it....

As for Character: Meet... Character, guys I'm seriously running out of ideas! Don't you guys know a good YA book (not written by John Green) to recommend so I can add? If not, say bye-bye to this story... which would make me sad...

I'll come back with more chapters next week!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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