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I was cleaning my kitchen after I sent Dakota to sleep. It beats me how that guy can be too hyper from only drinking Kool-Aid, but I guess it was the amount of sugar. I took a deep sigh and started doing the dishes when the last thing I wanted to happen, happened.

Somehow, the neighbors had decided to throw a party.

Granted, the neighbors weren't home, which made me consider that their eldest son was throwing the party without them knowing. Obviously, the party will be cut down short, as I spied one of the neighbors already with phone in hand and probably calling either the cops or the parents. I was silently praying it was for both.

As I was finishing cleaning up, I could see the lights of the police car, flashing outside and how the music seemed to disappear from the air. I smiled to myself when I heard the rushing of the teens running around to avoid being caught. Deep inside my mind, I thanked that I wasn't raised this way, and more than thankful for the Legion.

I headed to bed, only to notice that Dakota wasn't in there.

I frowned, before checking in the bathroom and the closet (he had fell asleep inside the closet more times than I want to admit, in all honesty), before checking the guest's room. Maybe he didn't reach the main room... After checking the whole house and started to panic about his whereabouts, I decided to go outside and ask for help from the police officers. Technically, he wouldn't be a missing person yet, but I was concern that he sneaked to be in the party.

"Excuse me, sir- ma'am" I talked to the first cop I found, a woman, who looked at me, serious and holding the arms of two very wasted away girls, who looked barely above sixteen.

"Can I help you, miss?" Her 'get to the point' reply took me aback for a second, but I swiftly replied.

"Probably, you see... My boyfriend is gone missing and I was wondering if he was in the party, as I know he has a weakness for them..." I didn't want to point out that Dakota was a minimum of five years older than the girls she had in custody because that would look extremely bad for him "We were just having dinner and he's no where in the house..." The officer frowned at me, but nodded.

"If he turns out, we'll let you know..." With that, she took the girls to the car, that was waiting for her.

"Thank you for everything..." I mumbled to myself, finding her actions very rude. Then again, it could be because she had to stop a party during a Saturday night and she would rather be doing something else.


I tried to go to sleep, at least for a couple of hours, but my worry was in crescendo, and I managed only an hour or some.

As soon as the clock pointed out six am, I was up and ready and creating a mental scolding that I would give to Dakota as soon as he crossed the door. And since the officers last night were less than helpful, I decided to check the house for myself looking for him. If not, I'd go down to the police station and scold him in public.

The front garden was the postcard of rebellion, with plastic cups around and some spots of vomit. I didn't dare going near it, as I walked into the house, that wasn't in better cleaning shape. Besides the glasses, you could see that someone had broken something and it was crystal. I wonder what the parents will say about it... Like in the movies, kids were passed out around the house, sleeping. It didn't matter where, as a couple of boys were snoring away on the stairs.

I checked the entire house before moving to the backyard. I found a couple of kids who were awake, but were claimed by the bathroom's toilet and sink. I didn't dare go near that either. Some rooms were locked and I didn't want to think Dakota was inside one of them. Keeping my faith up, I walked into the backyard and I was rewarded by a sleeping Dakota by the edge of the pool, his hand touching the water. But, I wasn't the only one there.

Inside the pool, and with a giant flamingo as its boat, was a man, no older than fifty. He was dressed in printed with khaki shorts and sandals. He had a straw hat over his head and a can of diet Pepsi in his hand. I kept the groan I wanted to release, but I focused on taking Dakota home.

"If you hadn't kept him away, he wouldn't had escaped..." I heard behind my back. I was seething, but didn't let it show. Counting to ten, I turned around and faced him.

"Oh, you think so?"

"I know my son. He cannot be forced to be someone he isn't..." Oh, how much I want to smack him right now...

"Well, then you don't know your son that much, do you, Lord Bacchus?" I used the 'Lord' as a mockery and he definitely didn't like it. I wrapped one of Dakota's arms around my shoulders and pulled him up. Unfortunately, the motion woke him up.

"Hhmm...?" he looked around, confused before looking at me "Gwen...? Oh, Gwen..." To my greatest shock, Dakota started to sob right there, clinging to me "I- I wasn't strong enough to fight it..." I gave Bacchus a smug smile, before hugging Dakota and rubbing his back.

"It's alright, sweetie... Let's go back home and take a nap, alright...?" He nodded and allowed me to take him away from this.

I would deal with Bacchus later in life...


Hello, guys!

First of all, I want to apologize for not posting last weekend, you see I had a bit of good luck, with less-than-helpful wifi connection and a big stomach ache all weekend, so I was much laying in bed, trying to recover.

Second of all, I want to say.... I CAN'T BELIEVE IS THE LAST WEEKEND OF NOVEMBER?! Man, time really flies! When we want to remember, we're celebrating Christmas! Dear Lord, we have to start buying presents!!

Anyway, this last weekend of November I bring you to you all of this!

Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws!: 2 chapters! A warning... due to the lack of characters, this story only will have two MORE chapters left, and I will explain why: though I'd love to make different couples (lots of you were asking of a Lou/Cecil), there's the fact that I don't have parents that haven't been used before (Hecate or Hermes in my example). So, I apologize for it and, unless you have an idea to solve that, this story will come to an end...

Garden Wall: 2 chapters! We (me and my collab, Hugs6) haven't been slacking this one. Hence, this update.

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: 2 chapters! I had struggled with one of these chapters, so I hope it doesn't show up lots. Also, this story will come to an end soon, I think the next weekend, as I only have one or two chapters left plus the epilogue. I'd like to thank DarthRath as he had read some of my chapters before, since he knows lots more of werewolves than me. Thank you!


A No-Girly-Girl Girly's Time: unique chapter! Though very late, this is my present to my bestie A_Million_Stars / AMillionPages (FanFiction) for her birthday. Happy late birthday! I greeted on your birthday, but I wanted to give you this!

Well, this will all for today, though I'm posting a special chapter on Thursday, so stay tune!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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