Piper McLean/Jupiter

442 19 1

I groaned and leaned back on my chair, thinking how good would be a massage from Jason. Too bad he's at the base, training at the moment, no contact whatsoever. I still remember how I complained and he even tried to negociated, but nothing will make the officers to change their minds.

"Bad idea to come to work today..." I heard soft footsteps coming my way and the door suddenly opened.

"Mommy, Mommy!!" I chuckled when I saw Thomas running towards me, giggling and hugging my legs. Right behind him, I saw Jason's babysitter. He always escapes his babysitters "How are you and the baby, Mommy?" he asked, looking at my growing belly. One would think that at eight-years-old, the boys will stop being Momma's baby. But not Thomas.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Grace-"

"Let him, Ann... He never bothers" I told the babysitter, who looked ready to pass out and beg not to be fired. I turned to my son, smiling "Me and the baby are fine, Thomas... Why are you asking so much?" I wondered to him, and he simply looked at me, serious.

"Daddy told me to be the 'man of the house' and that I'll do!" Oh, Jason... What did you do...? "That means I have to take care of you... Can I stay here with you? I promise I do my homework and won't bother you!" His voice was close to the charmspeaking and I could sense it. However, Thomas never was bratty, which is not how I want to raise my son.

"Alright, you can stay as long as you do all your homework and don't bother me when I'm with people..." I set the conditions and he nodded, happy. Immediately, he sat on the couch I have on my office, took off his bag and pulled out his homework and started to write "Thanks, Ann. I'll take him home" I dismissed the babysitter. Thomas waved at her and continued his homework.

"Mrs. Grace?" My assistant, Cameron, popped his head inside "Sorry to bother you, Mrs. Grace, but your meeting is ready for you... Hi, Thomas" he greeted Thomas, who waved at him.

"I'll be going in a moment, Cameron..." I sighed, closing my eyes, before getting up from my chair. Thomas immediately grabbed my hand and  smiles at me. I smiled back and wrapped his shoulders with my arm "Thanks, honey... Can you take me to the conference room?" If you haven't figured it out by now, my son is a gentleman.

"Sure thing, Mommy!" he let me lean on him, while Cameron followed us with a lot of folders and papers. When we arrived, I opened the door and, instead of seeing the group of people I was expecting, I saw a man watching through the window waiting for me. I frowned and looked at Cameron, who shrugged, not understanding as well.

"Can I help you?" I voiced out loud, only to regret it a little later. The man standing in front of us was dressed in a dark grey suit with a light blue shirt. His face was covered with a bushy beard that changed from black to grey, and looked like it was thundering. His eyes were sky blue and were looking at me, with no emotions "Cameron, would you give me a moment? Take Thomas with you..."

"No, Mommy-"

"Thomas" I warned him, and he nodded, walking out with Cameron, before I closed the door and faced my guest "Jupiter..."

"I'm surprised you could recognized the difference-"

"Thalia taught me" I smirked, before taking a seat, across from him "Now, what did I do to deserve the honor if your visit?" The sarcasm was present and the question was no question. I had practice with my charmspeaking and, according to Mom, I have ability with it.

"You cannot guess it?"

"Something you consider important to come down you might throne and pay attention to mere mortals..." I replied, not scared by his games "Both of us are busy people, Jupiter, so please I beg you do this quickly..."

"This is about Jason" This perked my attention. What would Jupiter consider important about Jason that will make him come here...? "His studies are not progressing as expected, as he has many... distractions" I paid attention to him, but his words were making me angry. Was he implying that Jason wasn't doing good in the Air Force because he was distracted by us..?

"I must misinterpreted you, Jupiter, but I could swear you did not accuse me of interfering with Jason's progress..." I gave time for a pause and he stayed silent "Jupiter, leave this office at once, and if you ever come close to me and mine, you will regret it dearly..." I was trying not to charmspeak him, but the temptation was go big.

Like his ego.

"If you keep this-"

"Why the sudden interest in your son?" I accused him, raising an eyebrow "You barely cared for him when he was a toddler, his sister took care of him! When he was in the Legion, fat chance of impressing you! And now... He has a loving wife and a son that admires him, with a future baby girl that will have him wrapped around his finger, what do you expect him to do when he is deprive of all that?!"

Nothing in my brain made sense. Maybe I was too hormonal or I couldn't see the whole picture, but all I wanted to do was to strangle him and send him with Hades. Luckily, someone came to my rescue.

"Leave my Mommy alone!" Thomas' charmspeaking was so powerful Jupiter didn't even blink when he walked out the office. I sighed and leaned back on the chair, Thomas rushing to my side "Mommy, let's go home..."

"You know what? Let's do that..." I agreed with him, using a small fake smile.

Jason will not be happy with this...


Hello, guys!

First of all, I wanna apologize for not posting yesterday, but it was a crazy frenzy because... it was my birthday. Yep, I wanted to celebrated with you all, but the calls and messages kept coming and I had to reply to them. And, beforehanded, I appreciate every single one of the messages and comments you will leave me today...

Also, today's (actually, yesterday's) update will be short: one chapter from Percy Jackson, son of Chaos and one chapter from Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws.

Also, my Facebook poll for my new story and/or new fandom is over. I wanna thank to the people who voted and letting them know that, as soon as July hit us, I'll be posting new stories! Of course, that means I have to hurry with my request!

Hope you have a wonderful week!
xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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