Angelina Prewett/Apollo

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It has been a long day and the worst part was that is wasn't even near to be ending!

I was sitting alone, in the studio, waiting for the Handy Manny man (like, Solana calls it, she may be just four, but she understands better than many other kids) so I could keep working, but apparently, said guy had better things to do, as I've been waiting for him at least hour and a half! I don't have time for this! I need to get home!

Prip! Prip!

At least, a distraction...


"Hello to you too, honey" Oh, it's just Austin... I relaxed and grabbed my nose bridge, gently "I take from your silence that this day isn't going well?"

"The console is broken and I have been waiting for the guy that fix it hour and a half..." I explained, using said time to collapse on the near-by couch "I wanna be in that presentation, Austin, I really do..."

"Angie, if the guy is not there in half an hour, ditch the place" Austin said, with a little humor in his voice "Sol is gonna understand if you arrive late..."

"I don't wanna! And with you sick..."

"Hey, we're a team, you and me, alright? You're gonna be here, even if I have to get you out myself..." I chuckled, mainly because I knew he would be able to.

"Mommy? Mommy?" Sol's voice warmed and made my heart a little guilty. I heard how Austin passed her the phone "Mommy, is that you? Are you coming to my concert?"

"Hey, sweetheart. And of course I'm going to your concert!" I told her "I wouldn't miss it for the world! You'd look so pretty in your blue ballerina dress!"

"If you don't come, I won't dance" I could almost see her pout through the phone.

"Sweetie, I'm going, I promise... When have I broken a promise?"


"Then, tell Daddy to help you get ready and I'll be on my way soon, alright?"

"Love you, Mommy!"

"Love you too, sweetheart!" I replied, while I heard Sol giving the phone back to Austin "Fifteen minutes, Austin. No more and I'll go home... Damned the people of the record label..."

"That's my girl! See you in a bit!"

I hung my phone and set my watch for fifteen minutes. Even if the guy miraculously appeared, there was no way in the Earth I'd arrive late for my daughter's concert! That's a promise! Just when I was about to leave, meaning it was one minute till the fifteen-minute-window closed, the door opens and walks in the last person I wanted to see.

This guy definitely wasn't the repair boy. This was obviously someone who thought the world belonged to him, and he had the right to brag about it. His flawlessly tan skin was contrasting with his bright blonde curly hair, as well as his flashy white teeth. Too flashy, if you ask me. Anyway, the guy was wearing sunglasses inside the building, as well as summer clothes, a tank top, some kind of khaki jeans and the latest modern sneakers.

"Studio is closed until tomorrow" I announced to him, grabbing my things and walking towards the door. He simply stood there, smirking at me.

"I'm not after using the studio" he spoke. There was something on his voice that I've heard before, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I ignored it, walking through the door. Unfortunately for me, the guy followed me "What's your name?"

"Married with daughter" I snapped at him, not even turning around. I imagined that he was shocked but I never hoped to hear him laugh. And he was laughing like a hyaena too!

"That you are!" he repeated, following me "Now, seriously, I thought we could get to know better... After all, we're family" I was surprised, but that didn't stop my walking. Sure, I was aware Austin's abnormal quantity of siblings, but I haven't met them all and, if this guy starts claiming that they are related, I'm gonna ignore him in family meetings.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I climbed into my car and drove directly towards where I know Sol is having her concert. I sighed in relief too soon, because I soon see a red sport car tailing me, with Flashy Smile behind the wheel! "This cannot be happening to me..." I muttered to myself. I began driving a little more faster, reaching the theater soon enough. I parked and got into, just to be attack by the bundle of energy that was my daughter.

"Mommy! You made it!" That alone was enough to forget my problems. I hugged her tight against me and greeted Austin with a kiss "Yuck! Mommy, Daddy can have cooties!" I chuckled at her innocence. It was adorable.

"Daddy doesn't have cooties!" Austin complained, pouting on purpose "But all the other guys do" That seemed to satisfied Sol, who was smiling at me "Dad?" I turned around, still with Sol in my arms and I frown and glare when I saw Flashy Smile walking into the theater like nothing "What the Hades are you doing here?!"

"Like I would-" I placed a hand over his chest, fuming "Darling, I know I'm hot-"

"Say one more word, and I'll wipe the floor with you" I threatened him, furious. This guy had been following me and I refuse that he spoils Sol's presentation. The guy simply smiled at me, almost smirking "Get the hell out, you've been following me since the studio and I refuse to have a stalker that makes me miss my daughter's concert-"

"Angie, love... This is a- wait, you said he's been following you since you left the studio?" Austin was frowning now and I was a little smug, but I didn't show it "If this is your idea to meet the family, Father, I believe you need to stop learning from Grandfather"

My eyes widen at that revelation...

Did he just say, 'father'?!


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