Nico di Angelo/Naomi Solace

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"I really don't understand why I came up with this idea yet..." I scolded myself, while driving- well, I wasn't driving per se... But, unfortunately, zombie drivers don't reply to you, which is why I was talking alone.

It all started a few days ago, when I was in Camp Half-Blood, talking with my cousins...

"So, you know what you will give Will this year for his birthday?" Percy asked me, biting his sandwich. We weren't having lunch with the rest of the cabins, as we decided some family time was in order. With Thalia busy in the Hunt, Hazel training the Cohort and Percy and Jason with their new jobs, it was kind of impossible to gather all together. Fortunately, Thalia was visiting and Percy had off that weekend and Annabeth was visiting her parents in San Fransisco.

"I'm not sure yet, honestly..." I admitted, shrugging "I think he has a practice that day, or a test the following one... The point is that he's gonna be busy..."

"I'm sure he can stop for a while to celebrate his birthday..." Thalia argued and closed her eyes, laying on the grass.

"You never seen Will during the end of the term, have you?" I wondered. If they had, they wouldn't be asking or saying just things. Both denied with their heads "Will is intense when the end of the term is close by... He once scolded me because I was doing 'too much noise while walking around the apartment'..."

"Dude, you don't do much noise while walking..." Percy pointed out and I nodded "Oh! I get it, is bad... Well, Annabeth once told me to 'stop breathing too hard that I wasn't underwater'... Now I see what you mean..." he understood immediately what I meant.

"It can't be that bad, can it?" Thalia joked, but we were serious "Oh, wow... Too much silent means I'm wrong... That's new..."

"I'm not sure how his mother dealt with it before..." I muttered, ignorant of what it was going to cause.

"That's it!" Percy snapped his fingers, like if he had the idea of the century "Go pick up his mom, I bet they'll be happy to see each other again!"

"I'm not sure..."

"Do you have a better idea?" Thalia pipped in, still with her eyes closed. I sighed in defeat, hoping this wouldn't backfired at me.

I had made all the arrangements, so that Mrs. Solace would stay with us, without Will knowing. Not like he would notice, as he's in deep concentration and practically ignoring everyone at this point. Even his siblings ignore him, knowing how he gets. I left the apartment and he was still reading the same page over and over again. He didn't acknowledged when I left!

When I reached the airport, I knew it would be useless to keep the car, so I got down and headed towards arrivals. Mrs. Solace was coming from Texas and I didn't want her waiting long. The soon she was with us, I think it was going to be better for Will...

Suddenly, people started to come out and I was witness of several reunions between family and friends. I felt a little out of place until a hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into a tight hug. I was startled to say the least and I was ready to shadow-travel away, when I noticed the perfume that the person was wearing. It was a perfume Will and I had chosen to one particular person for Christmas.

The person pulled me back and I could see a petite woman with blonde straight short hair. Her skin was slightly tan and had wrinkles around her eyes, for smiling or laughing too much. Her clothes were colorful and loose and she had several bracelets on her wrists. Her smile was the most contagious thing ever.

"Oh, Nico... You look like you've seen a ghost, sweetie!"

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the force of nature known as Naomi Solace.

"Mrs. Solace, you startled me, that's all" she frowned at me, palyfully.

"Nico, how many times I have to say that you can call me 'Naomi'?" she reminded me, gently.

"Too many to count, but I'm not sure I could stop anytime soon..." I admitted to her, smiling a little shyly. She sighed and nodded, giving me one more hug.

"I'm so glad you called me..." she told me, linking on of her arms with mine, while I carried her luggage. She didn't ask, it was a silent agreement we had "I was upset I was gonna miss Will's birthday, specially with all those end of the term tests he gets..."

"I just hope Will can stop a little to at least acknowledge that you're here..." I voiced my hopes out to her "I walked out if the apartment this morning and he didn't even noticed!"

"Oh, I know... I've been in that side for many years and I don't think anyone deserve it..." she put a thoughtful face for a few seconds "Well, I can think of a few that could deserve it, but I'm not sure if I wanna tempt fate about it..." I chuckled at the end, guiding her outside the airport. My car was waiting for us and she beamed at it "Oh, I finally get to travel in that car with the zombie driver!" she was acting like a little girl in a candy store which surprised me a little. Though it didn't surprise me why Apollo chose her, her bubbly personality is contagious.

"Yeah, well... He doesn't speak much, I have to warn you..."

"Oh, don't worry, dear... That way, we can have more to talk with each other!" she beamed at me, making me feel a little uncomfortable. It was weird- at least, for me -to be accepted that easily for the mother of your boyfriend. But, I have to say that this is what I wish my own mother to be... Even though I should be her age right now, I think for the first time, it feels good to be from another time.


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