Hazel Levesque/Mars

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"Move on, ladies! You're slow today!" I checked my chronometer, a fascinating device that I adopted into my world. Indeed, the girls were slow today than before, which means that something was going on.

"P-please, Centurion..." one of the girls panted at me, holding her knees with her hands. I felt bad to be this mean, but I had to keep orders of Reyna, this was not my idea of training "We- we were asked by the First-" Oh, no! Not this again!

"Say no more, Sonia" I stopped her, handing her a bottle of water. Soon, I was handing water around and all the girls had taken a break, sitting on the floor "How long since the First has been bothering you?" I asked around, watching a few tired faces. A few others were embarrassed and others were plain serious.

"Last week, Centurion..." Julia, who wasn't four anymore, answered, serious. I sighed and rubbed my hand around my face "I fear the Second might join as well"

"Very well..." I wrecked my brain to find a solution, but I feared that no one would pay attention unless someone was at the brick of death "Julia, call the Praetors and tell them, I want an urgent meeting with them and the Centurions, please" Just because I was in charge didn't mean I had to be mean about it. Julia nodded and left to find Reyna, and the rest.

Only I knew were Frank was.

I left the girls to have their deserved break and walked back towards the pier. Since back from the war, many years ago, Frank had accepted that he had Poseidon's blood in his linage and practiced near the pier his abilities. Unfortunately for us- and for Jason, since it made his work much more harder -the Romans still feared Neptune. I reached the pier and saw Frank in lotus position, meditating before turning my way. He always knew when I was close, which I take as a compliment.

"Wanna join me, Haze?" I smiled at his offer, as he always made it and I never accepted, simply because it was his thing. I didn't want to ruin it with bad things.

"Frank, you know that I hate to interrupt you during your practice with bad news..." I reminded him, gently. He chuckled and patted the spot next to him. I sighed and took a seat next to him "The First has been bothering the Fifth again..." I said after a while, not really wanting to say anything. Frank sighed next to me and wrapped an arm around me.

"Let me talk to them-"

"Frank, I know you mean well, specially since you come from it-"

"-and never you forget it" he interrupted me, smirking. I raised an eyebrow at his confidence, that had grew leaps these last years. It was a nice change.

"Frank, they won't listen until blood is spill..." I recognized, not really wanting to get to that point "Last time, it took that Octavian collided with Mother Earth for them to respect every single legionary, I don't wanna do something like that again..."

"What do you plan to do, then?" he wondered, his hand on top of mine "I support you, fully... Want me to be your second? That way, they'll know I'm not kidding..."

"Frank, this is something I have to deal on my own..." I admitted. I had the only group that was bullied constantly and I had to do something about it. My girls respected me and I know they don't deserve it "I rather lose in the battlefield than not defending the girls..." Frank sighed, knowing I was kind of right.

"I know, love..." he kissed my forehead and smiled "I'll be cheering for you" I rolled my eyes and smiled, leaving him be to his meditation.

When I walked back, I noticed Julia running to me, obviously not knowing where Frank was. I gave her a reassuring smile and winked at her, before going directly towards the Centurion of the First Cohort and doing the unthinkable:

I punched him square on the face.

"Hazel!" Reyna scolded me, but I was far from caring at the point. The Centurion was spitting blood from his mouth and I picked him up from the collar of his toga.

"I care little about some petty feud you have with me, but I will not stand and watch how you Cohort bullies my legionaries, you understand?" I threatened him. He smirked, somehow, which was disgusting as his mouth was full of blood, only for me to hit him again, this time, on where it hurts more to a man. Lots of boys were crossing their legs and wincing in pain, even if I didn't touch them! "Be the man you pretend to be and fight me!"

"Hazel, that's enough!" Reyna ordered me, but I was beyond listening now. I was feeling the anger and the desire of fighting and I was hoping to tune it down, until I eyed someone in the crowd that almost made me sick to my stomach. He wasn't tall, but he wasn't short either. His black hair was cut short, military style and he was wearing sunglasses, along with a Roman armor, smirking at me. I glared at him and headed his way.

"You think is funny!?" I spatted at him, looking up and down "I know now why Percy didn't kneel in your presence, you don't deserve the honor" Gasps were heard around me, but they didn't know this man like I did. He kept smirking at me, before his armor shifted and showed who he really was.

"In all the lives I've seen pass, I was only been faced that way, twice..." he recognized, surprising everyone "By my own son and by you, Hazel Levesque... You deserve your title, Centurion..." Suddenly, everything was turning bright, which made us look away from the spot. Seconds later, he was gone. Everyone was staring at me, between awe and anger.

How do I explain to my boyfriend I just defied his father?



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