Travis Stoll/Mr. Gardner

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"Come on, Katie-Kat... It's not gonna be so bad..." I tried to calm my trembling girlfriend, who was pacing up and down our shared apartment. Well, more like shared, our apartment. Just when I finished saying that, Katie spun on her spot and gave me one of her patented worried looks. It's kind of terrifying "Katie..."

"You don't understand, Travis... My father is a very conservative man..." Katie started, almost hyperventilating. She was out of control, as all the plants were growing at an accelerate pace "He will see a flaw in everything... He even tried to send me to a nunnery before Camp!"

"A nunnery? Aren't you exaggerating now?" The patented glare she sent me was enough for me to shut up. What Katie didn't understand was that I was terrified myself, for I was meeting her father for the first time. I had met Demeter once and wasn't a bad moment. The typical 'you hurt my daughter and I'll turn you into a rock' look and warning, so I was expecting her father to be more... moderated.


"He's here!! Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods!" she rushed towards the door while I decided to give the final touches to the table. I had promised a prank-free night and it was slightly hard, especially when I was so nervous. I managed to get the help of Connor and Lou, who took all my prank supplies for the weekend, and now, was my final trial "Hello, Daddy!" Katie greeted him, a little cheerful.

"Katherine..." The cold greeting was a contrast on how Katie behaved and that, honestly, shocked me. No kissing the cheek, no smile, no nothing. Well, Katie wasn't kidding when she mentioned he was conservative. He was tallish and with brown hair, though you could see some grey hair around. His skin was more tanned than Katie's and his eyes were hard and brown "This must be... Trevor"

"Actually, it's Travis, sir. Pleasure to meet you" I used it as cue and pulled my hand out for him to shake. It was short and void of emotions, before he walked into the apartment, not looking at any of us. I shared a look with Katie, who shrugged with a painful smile "Sir, may I have your coat?" He handed me the coat without saying a word.

I just didn't know the worst was about to come.

"Alright, let's get this over with" Mr. Gardner started, looking around the place, before his eyes setting on me "I don't like you. I realize I don't know you, but I don't like you anyway. I rather had sent Katherine to a nunnery when she arrived and not allow this all shenanigans about pagan gods fill her head-"

"Daddy!" Katie gasped, horrified. I stared at the man, who continued like if he didn't hear anything.

"-but I have a reputation to stand with and I wasn't going to let an... orphan on the streets" It was obvious that Katie was hearing this for the first time, cause her face was showing horror and fear, not to mention a broken heart. I quickly wrapped my arms around her. This was going downhill pretty quickly and not like Katie wanted.

"Why are you here then?" Any kind of respect that I could have for the man were gone and not coming back anytime soon "I mean, if you despise the mere thought of your daughter, why are you here?"

"To see if she can saved, but it looks like not..." he shook his head "You embraced your.... mother's believes, choosing to abandon the truth..."

"But, Dad-" Katie stopped, watching she was not going to save this dinner of introduction. Sure, Travis mused to himself, it took me a while to convince Katie, maybe I should try...

"Be as it may, I think you should stay with us for dinner, sir" I emphasized the last part, trying that Katie didn't break anymore than before. I know we'll have a very uncomfortable dinner ahead of us, but I want to give this guy the benefit of a last chance "Food should not go to waste" You promised to behave, you promised to behave...

"No, I came to say what I wanted to say" I couldn't handle it anymore.

"You know what? Fine! Be gone, we don't need you!" I sensed Katie's stare on me, but I didn't care at the moment "Your daughter made a great dinner for you, to spend time with you and to introduce you to the other important man in her life and you dismiss it like if she was a piece of paper in a stash! And I'll not tolerate that!" If he wanted to leave so much... I started to push him towards the door, looking angry.

"Don't you dare to touch me!" I pushed him out the house

"Whenever you come back to your senses that you just lost the most precious thing in your life, know that we won't be here, we won't hear your apologies and that you'll have to grovel your way for forgiveness, because unlike your god, we don't hand out a 'you're forgiven pass' around" I hissed at him, angry now before slamming the door shut behind him.

"T-Travis!!" Katie stammered, obviously wanting to scold me, but her heart wasn't in it. She sat on the couch and began sobbing, clearly the shock of what just had happened finally hitting her. I immediately moved to sit with her and wrapped my arms around her, comforting her "W-Why...?"

"It's not you, Katie..." I stopped her line of thought, not liking where it was heading "You're a wonderful person, a little bossy, but not wrong intended one... You're smart, you're considered and you like to see the good side of everything... That doesn't make you a mad person" I added, knowing she'll argue with me "C'mon, let's forget about tonight and better head to sleep..."

"B-But, I-I-"

"Leave the cleaning for tomorrow, honey..." I ushered to the bedroom and made her change clothes before getting her in bed next to me "Everything will be better tomorrow... I promise..."


Hurt to make Mr. Gardner a snob, but I hope I can redeem him in the next chapter...


Hello, fan fiction lovers!

The first thing I'd like to do is to apologize for my absence last month... I had returned from a really horrible vacation with my family (Mom got sick, then me, horrible hotels and lame/forgetful attractions), I had no intentions of writing anything... After that, August became tougher and tougher and I proposed to catch up with all my stories and post first weekend of September...

Also, I'd like to wish a be-late Happy Back To School to the ones that already started. I've been on your shoes and I know school ain't easy or enjoyable sometimes, but it's a must...

Alright, enough with the sappy! We're here for something else! Stories! (Also, I'd like to address a reviewer's comment about reading my stories somewhere else. Yes. I have accounts in Wattpad, FanFiction, Quotev and Penana. I will have to update the last two, since the former two are my favorite ones. Anywhere else, IS NOT MINE)

Mortals, Meet... the In-Laws: 4 chapters! Clarisse, Katie, Travis and Lou meet their in-laws!

Characters, Meet... Characters: 4 chapters! Not even mentioning, you will discover it!

Percy Jackson, son of Chaos: 4 chapters plus Epilogue! (Proper thank you note there)

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: 4 chapters! I apologize for some of the plot, can be trigging or too violent for some readers...

IMPORTANT NEWS! The story Rise of Ouranos will be rewritten, as my collaborator LordNitro, decided not to continue with the story. I appreciate you all for you patience.

This will be all for this week! See you guys next Sunday!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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