S CHAPTER - Extreme Matchmaking

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Carl could not believe what he was seeing. As a senior member of Cabin 10 was his duty to stop the nonsense that his siblings, except Peter who was on Ambassador's duty in San Fransisco, were about to carry on. Although, he didn't know exactly what they were doing.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked, not to anyone in particular. Mist of his siblings were staring at him, as if they were having a hand inside the cookie jar. Other were just annoyed by the interruption and showed it by frowning at him "I asked a question..." Carl threatened, raising an eyebrow. He could be around his twenty, but he could still know how to handle his siblings.

"We're trying to get Penny and Andrew together!" Sweet, innocent Michelle gave away the answer, earning a lot of scowls and glares from the rest of them. Carl didn't care for those and smiled at Michelle, knowing it was hard for her to be against the entire cabin "That's why Peter is not here..."

"I could figure that part, sweetie..." Carl admitted, not mad at her. He had been an unwilling spectator of the 'dance' Penelope Johnson and Andrew Chain call relationship since Penny had arrived at Camp with who she thought were her people, the Romans, only to find out she was Greek. Ever since then, that was three years ago, everyone had an ongoing bet.

When would those two get together?!

"Peter said let them be, as both are too stubborn to admit it" Tate, Michelle's closer sibling added, not really liking what the cabin was doing, but he couldn't help it.

"I agree with you, but I'd like to know who was the main thinker of this..." Carl wondered, pretending to think hard, though you didn't know a brainer to know that. He knew who was in charge of this. But, for the sake of his siblings, he wouldn't force them to betray him, even if they couldn't (because he could even step too low into ordering them not to tell anyone about it). Mom, you spread your gifts unfairly...

"Please, don't tell anyone!" Little Michelle begged at him. Carl sighed and nodded.

"I won't" Everyone released a sigh of relief "But-" Here, everyone tensed again "-when things get out of hand, and trust me, they will, I'd held the entire cabin responsible and punish them accordingly..." Carl left the threat hanging, seeing some of the campers shaking like leaves. He turned around and left, hoping he could distract and not go straight into accusing.


He should had gone straight into accusing.

Everything was great until Andrew gave his sword-fighting class after lunch. Penny, of course, was present, as the class was for a few. Carl decided to use the free time he had (Shenna had a project due tomorrow and didn't want to distract her) checking on both of them, from afar. Andrew never questioned his presence in the arena, as everyone could look the class.

When class was over, everyone went to hit the showers. Carl, thinking backwards, scolded himself for not paying attention to details, as when both Penny and Andrew came out of their showers, they weren't wearing their normal clothes. Penny was blushing like a firetruck and trying to cover her body from the orange-blue blend skimpy bikini she was wearing. More than uncomfortable with the piece of clothing, she was with the male attention.

Andrew was red, but from anger, as the clothes he was sporting were anything but clothes that belonged to a man. Or at least, no man that Carl had the fortune to met. He was wearing what once he thought it was a leather shirt, cut to be a crop top (using leather shirts is questionable already, but cut it as a crop top?!) and some shorts that could be more for female than male. The clothes showed off all his muscles and he swore some passing by girls were swooning.

Luckily, both victims were wearing sneakers, but that wasn't very lucky either. The boys started to cat call Penny, who not only looked extremely uncomfortable, but shy and embarrassed. Carl tried to walk closer to them, to help them, though Andrew looked ready to kill someone that would say the wrong thing towards Penny. The most evident proof of this is when one guy tried to slapped Penny's butt, Andrew broke said hand in two parts.

Nico will either agree or disagree in that behavior.

Carl walked closer and heard some words like 'stuck' and 'can't get it off'. He groaned to himself, wondering how far did his siblings go in this matchmaking business. Suddenly, Penny broke away from the crowd, in tears and towards her cabin. Andrew, after setting free from some girls who were trapping him, went after her.

Carl decided to fix this immediately.


Half an hour later, and a lot of charmspeaking in the way, Carl found out what his siblings did.

This time, Drew crossed the line, as soaking the clothes in aphrodisiac and glue was beyond Carl's line of work in this area. Carl's rage knew no boundaries and punished the entire cabin, taking away all their clothes and shoes, along with their make up, knowing that only a few would survive the punishment, leaving them only with the clothes they had on their backs. Drew was hysterical and even worse when Carl charmspoke the cabin into fulfilling said punishment.

He decided to apologize to both Penny and Andrew in name of his cabin, when the most obvious sounds started to come out of the cabin, the closer he got to the place. The sound of trashing lamps and smacks against the walls, not without mentioning the gasps and moans that painted a pretty obvious image in Carl's mind. Silently, he walked away from the cabin, swearing to himself that his siblings will never ever hear about this. Much less Drew! He would never allow the smugness out!!

He only hoped they didn't hate the entire cabin afterwards...

"Hey, Carl..." Shenna caught up with him, a few hours later. They still haven't come out yet! "I'm sorry I left you alone today..." Carl shook his head and invited her to sit down with him.

"Don't worry, sweetie... You won't believe the day I had today..."


Hello, beautiful readers!

I apologize for last weekend's disappearance, but I was down in a very strong case of allergies. I'm still dealing with it, but I've seen a doctor and I'm in a good path!

But, you don't care about that, no! You care about my stories and I'll update you in that, right after the commercial breaks!

*commercial breaks*

And, now, we're back! Here's the line up for this weekend!

Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws: two chapters! One of the most lovable-yet-were-never-together-couples gets under the spotlight (don't like them, don't critize, please)

Characters: Meet... Characters: two chapters! Exciting chapters, and I apologize for not portraying them correctly (individual apologies in each chapter)

Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!!: one chapter! I decided to change this chapter's P.O.V., hope you enjoy it!

Plus, we have two special chapters! Requests by ObeliskX, I really hope you like them! One chapter will be feature in Mortals: Meet... the In-Laws, while the other will be in Characters: Meet... Characters.

That would be all for this week, I see you guys next Sunday!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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