Chris Rodriguez/Mrs. LaRue

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Ding, Dong!

"Clarisse!! Open the door!!" I cringed upon hearing that. It was obvious that it was her mother, but that only meant-

"Can't you see I'm busy?! Why don't you open the door??!" Ah! There it was the fight back...

"I'm not waiting anyone!! Besides, I don't plan on doing anything soon!! I just had my manicure done!!"

"Why are you my mother still remains a mistery!"

"Don't talk back like that, young lady!" Wow, Mrs. LaRue has spunk! "You better open that door if you don't want me to teach you why your father chose me!!"

"I'm still waiting for that to happen, mother!!" I looked around, trying to be interested in the almost normal house in Arizona. Well, almost normal if you count what's inside the house, but that's pretty normal for me. I mean, my mother yells more. And in spanish, half the time. Not pretty sometimes... she knows how to curse... Anyway, when I thought this was going to wait longer than I thought, the main door opened, revealing a stunned Clarisse.

"Surprise!" I chuckled. But she didn't made a sound, in fact, she was speechless "Um, Clarisse...? Clary-" Immediately, I had a hand in my mouth and a glare upon me. At least, she was out of her stupor...

"How many times I have told you not to call me 'Clary', Rodriguez? And what are you doing here?!" It was obvious she wasn't expecting me, otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise. But the whispered tone she was talking in, was something different.

"Chiron said you got house arrest and an ankle monitor for this summer, so I thought to come here for a few days-"

"Who's at the door?! Clarisse!!" Clarisse rolled her eyes, before shouting inside.

"No one is here!! Maybe it got scared with all your yelling!!" she slammed the door closed and pushed me away from the windows, looking slightly terrified "You have to go"

"What? I flew all the way here-" And, again with her sweaty hand on my mouth. Not tasty, you know...

"Then, you'll fly your way home, punk. You cannot stay here and much less, been seen by my mother!" she whispered yelled at me. I raised an eyebrow, confused "I cannot believe I'm doing this, but I beg you, please, leave this instant..." That made me pay attention, of course. Clarisse LaRue doesn't beg. Nor asks nicely.

"You seriously cannot escape for a couple of hours...?" I wondered. Either Clarisse got in serious troubles and couldn't get away with it, or... or she was truly hiding something. That last options was intriguing for me.

"Believe me, I wish to escape, punk... But this thing starts beeping when I walk one foot away from this damned place!" she pointed at her ankle and I smirked "But you know how to deactivate this thing, right?" she finally smirked back, a little hopeful.

"Any kid of Hermes knows the trick to escape..." I admitted, pulling my tools out, knowing I had a couple of seconds before her mother appeared, so I kneeled down and got to work "By the way, I was hoping to meet your mother too..."

"Have you met Drew's mother?" That question threw off balance, looking up at her.

"Um, no...?"

"Well, my mother is like hers, except a mortal knock off imitation..." I snorted softly.

"Well, looks like your father knows how to pick them..." I muttered, working fast. Quickly, the ankle monitor started beeping normally and I looked at her again "Go on" I encouraged her. She raise her foot and walked away from her house. By the second step she was laughing "You're welcome, by the way"

"Yeah, yeah, thanks..." she agreed, not really paying me any attention. She looked like a kid after detention of after being grounded: she was laughing and jumping, happy "C'mon! I've been wanting to run all summer!" I glanced around and noticed everyone was gone. Not like there were many people on the street before that.

"You're on, LaRue... The loser will have to cook for the winner" Clarisse wrinkled her nose, it was one of her weakest points, cooking. Poor thing couldn't boil water without evaporating it.

"Deal" she closed the deal, running off without any warning. I chuckled and followed her.


We ran for hours, only stopping for some water and shadow. I decided to remind her that I wasn't leaving the next day and that the ankle wouldn't work from now on, but that she had to be careful where she was, in case someone decided to sell her out. She simply chuckled and said no one sold her out ever. I was too tired to ask what was that about.

Finally, we decided to go back, only to found a surprise for us.

A woman with black hair and a pierce look was waiting for us. The piercing look was even more scary thanks to her outlined eyebrows. She was dressed with a tight shirt and a skirt, that didn't favored her at all. If I ever see my Mom wearing something similar, I'd ban her from leaving the house. She was also wearing high heels and her arms were crossed, showing her tanned skin.

"Oh, vlacas..." Clarisse muttered, and I knew we were in troubles.

"I should had known that you'd involve some of the trouble maker kids around here to your needs!" she began, not matter who heard her "You're acting more like that woman your father sleeps around with than-"

"Hey! Don't finish that sentence!" I warned her. She stared at me, before smirking.

"Poor dear... You already beat him into submissive?"

"Urgh, shut up, mother!! No one has to hear how you blame me for your mistakes!" Clarisse argued back. I pulled her back, hoping she didn't get into a cat fight "Let me go, punk!!"

"C'mon, we're going back to-"

"She ain't going anywhere, candyboy. She will stay here, end of the discussion" Candyboy?!

One thing is sure: that woman is never going to meet my mother!


Hello, guys.

Can't believe the weekend is nearly over, can you? I've been kind of busy and sick this past weekend and I couldn't update as much as I'd like... Also, next weekend I'll be in some 'family time' and I'd not be able to post on Sunday, as usual. I'd do my best to post on Fridays, but I cannot promise anything...

Now, onto the stories...

One, Character, Meet... Character. Last weekend updated Sadie/Nico (just in case someone missed the update). This weekend, and honoring my bf's favorite show, it'll be... Octavian vs. Joffrey. You judge.

Two, Mate?! Ain't Australian, Buddy!! (still looking for a better name, ideas?). I'm trying to do 2k word chapters, to try something different. You guys tell me if it works...

Three, Mortals, Meet... the In-Laws. Someone, can't remember who, asked about Chris and Clarisse. Well, I come with half a gift, hope you like it!

That would be all for today, now if you excuse me, I'll go lay in bed to feel even better...

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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