Chapter One: The Beginning

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The people's words were just mumbles from a faraway land she wasn't interested in hearing. She tried to tune them out, her mother's high pitched voice made things hard. Especially since she was screaming every time she looked at the dress her daughter could wear to the most important event of the year - correction: The most important event that has happened in over fifty years.

"What do you think of this one Glores?"

Oh, how she hated that nickname.

"It's lovely mom," she wasn't lying. It really was a lovely dress. The thing was, it wasn't lovely enough for her to change her mind to want to even go to the marking ceremony. "I think it's the prettiest so far."

Her mother sighed. "My sweet little girl is all grown up," Amanda's eyes were teary. She took Glory's hands in her own and squeezed them and tucked a piece of hair behind her daughter's ear. "You're going to be Luna soon."

Her mother was way more excited than Glory was about this whole ceremony. Glory wasn't even excited at all. At all. Like, zero percent. Nada. There wasn't even a reason to be excited. Getting to spend your life with someone that had no interest in her and she didn't love in that way? No thank you.

Avery was a really nice male. Nicer than most in the pack. They've been out on dates. That's only because it was forced by their parents. They pretty much grew up together - they were forced to grow up together - and they have always known of their fate. Their parents tried to force them into love - and they tried - they really did try to love each other. But love between them --

It was never meant to be.

They went on dates. They've kissed. They've had meaningful conversations. They have even laid on the ground staring at the moon. They just weren't meant to love each other. He was guarded. Didn't let anything unnecessary slip his lips. Most times he didn't even use words unless they were important. That made some dates really awkward. He never started the conversations. He never told her how he was doing. What his hobbies where. What his favourite colour was. How pretty she was.

It was always her talking. Sure she didn't mind at first. She appreciated a man that listened. But later, she wanted to want to know him. She'd ask every question separately and sometimes he wouldn't even answer. He was hard to talk to.

She wasn't sure how he felt about this whole thing. They were good friends. He was the best friend she had.

One time they were staring at the moon and she mentioned this whole mating thing is weird. She tried to start off the light, and got in deeper, letting him know how she felt. He gave her a funny look and told her something like, "what needs to happen shall happen".

Though he didn't always agree with her and didn't open up about his feelings. He was an amazing guy, but - she did not love him. Or care for him in that way. And he deserved someone that did care for him in that way.

She couldn't tell her "friends", that were her friends because of her title, how she felt. Mostly because they'd just gossip and it'll get around to the Alpha and Luna. She didn't need that.

That's why that night she hung the white gown in her closet, the wedding gown she decided she was going to leave behind along with everything else.

Soon, she thought. Soon, I'll be gone. One more week with my family. One more dinner with him. One more week of convincing. One more week of planning.

She shut the door of the closet and jogged down the stairs to have one of her last dinners with her family.


The first thing she had to do was sneak out of her house without anyone noticing. That she did without a problem. Okay, there was a minor problem, she did almost break a lamp -- that was very, very expensive.

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