Chapter Ten: Lost & Found

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Glory woke with a heavy chest that morning. She's been trying to hold it back the last couple of days, but it seemed like it was impossible. It was setting in a month later; guilt.

Glory loved her parents. Glory's parents loved her. The first few weeks she didn't think much of it, but the more she did think, the worse she felt.

"Glory stop moppin' around and collect some firewood," as you could see they were on speaking terms - when he needed her to do something.

She rolled her eyes at him and stood up. Throwing the knife she had so it would stick to a tree trunk. Edan continued to chop wood as Glory took one chunk at a time and carried in over to their cabin, stacking it neatly.

Everest was still recovering. She claimed she was feeling pretty awesome until she heard Edan say they were going to start putting away firewood for the winter. She was pretty quick to say she was still feeling a little ill, and probably still will for the next week or two.

Though Glory knew Everest was obviously lying, she didn't blame her. This job sucks.

"Could you stop that," Edan demanded, he looked like he was about to explode.

"Stop what?" Glory knew what she was doing, she just didn't know he noticed.

"Stop sighing and groaning - it's annoying."

"If it wouldn't take you forever to just chop off one piece of log, maybe I wouldn't be so impatient right now." Glory knew she wasn't being fair, but neither was he.

She suggested a different idea. One that wouldn't take up as much time, but no - he wouldn't listen - because he knows she hates this job.

They've been bickering all morning.

"Chopping wood is a lot of work, Glory." He emphasized her name like he did when he was annoyed, or feeling any kind of unpleasant emotion around her.

"Do you wanna do it?" He glared at her, squinting his eyes. The sweat on his lower back made the old shirt stick to him. "You know what - " he threw the axe to her feet. "I'm not even going to ask. You're the one with the supernatural strength. You do it."

"Why should I? You don't listen to me either, I'm not going to listen to you."

"Oh, my moon!" Everest yelled out. She could hear everything in the cabin. "Don't you have two axe's?"

"No," they both yelled at the same time, with the same amount of irritation.

At the end, Eden just ended up stalking into the forest, and Glory chopping the wood. They were both fueling mad.

"Oh, my moon." Everest was freaking out. Edans been gone for a while. She was pacing back and forth, biting her nails before remembering that it was a bad habit and crossed arms over her chest. Stressed. "Where the hell is he. I am going to kill him so bad when he comes back."

"I don't know, he just stormed off. And honestly - not to be an ass or anything - I don't care."

Glory pushed her feeling for him aside - anyway - she tried to.

"What if he gets bitten by a goner. Those rogues out there are insane and they won't have mercy on him."

"Everest. You worry too much. Edan can very well take care of himself. I am not going out there to find him. He knows these woods better than I do." Glory wasn't going to let the feelings she has for him cloud her judgment.

"I know but - "

"He'll be fine,"

Everest pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. "What if he's not."

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