Chapter Twenty-Six: The Alphas

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Twenty-five years ago a miracle happened in the Cresent Beam Pack. A she - wolf with the name Lenexa Feurstein, gave birth to twins the night after a full moon, a male and a female.

It was wolf gossip for months, it traveled from one pack to another, women smiled at such beautiful accomplishment. Men nodded amungst themselves at how hard that was to achieve.

Now, this wasn't the first time there were twins born. It's happened quite a few times, it was however, the first time alpha bloodline gave birth to twins. So complications arose.

First it was a wonderful thing that those twins were born. No one thought it would bring any misfortunes.

You see, whenever shape-shifting twins were born, one of them was born human. This wasn't the case with the Feurstein twins, and they didn't know that until the twins were eight-years-old, and they shifted for the first time.

Choas erupted.

The twins were next in line to become alpha. But no pack can have two alphas. So naturally they would go by which wolf was born first, but, they were both born at the same time. Cut out of their mothers stomach to ensure they both survived.

There was nothing to determine who would be the next alpha. The male, Edan. Or the female, Everest.

So they trained them both, starting the day after they shifted. With weapons, hands and teeth they were taught to fight. With their ears they were taught to listen to the most delicate sounds. With their noses they were taught to smell their enemies fear. With their eyes they were taught to see everything. And they loved every minute of it.

They had this game called "catch me if you can". How their mother hated that game. One of the twins would randomly yell out the phrase and the other would have to catch them, and pin them.

With every spare minute they had they were at each others throats. Loud battle cries came from their small bodies. In the house, in the center of the pack, in the backyard. Without even noticing they were training themselves. By the time they were fifteen they were stronger than the fighters and the border parolers.

The Feurstein twin were the heart of
Cresent Beam. One of them was the future ruler. But that didn't mean that everyone liked them. In fact, most people didn't like Everest Feurstein. She was to much like her grandmother. She didn't care what her people wanted, she only cared what she wanted for them.

Everest grew up to be a beautiful but deadly wolf. She cared about no one except her brother and mother. She didn't have a problem killing anyone who said something against her. That made her dangerous and powerful. Because she cared for nothing, she took more risks, which made her a stronger wolf.

Edan, he grew up to be an attractive male that everyone loved. The females fawned over him, the males wanted to be him. That gave him a  advantage that his sister didn't have if they were to ever vote for a new leader, which is what everyone thought was going to happen.

But it seemed to good to be true. Twins, both shape shifters, alphas, a vote to see who was the next alpha sounded ridiculous. What was the other unannointed alpha going to do? Live the life of a normal wolf? Now that was absured.

Everyone knew Alpha Emerson was unpredictable, but they never thought she'd make her own grandchildren fight to see who was the stronger wolf.

To many it didn't seem like a big deal, until they heard that it was a fight to the death.

The twins were twenty years old, ready to take the throne. But first one of them had to die.

Whoever died would be killed by the person they loved most. Neither of them could have that.

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