Chapter Twenty-Five: Tell Me You Love Me

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It was finally the day.

The day she should have had seven moons ago.

The horrific, stupid, disgusting day.

Today was the day she was to be marked by a male she did not love. And never will love.

There she stood once again with the simple white dress hanging on her body. Hugging all the right places.

Glory resently discovered that she hated mirrors. It's the only thing she's been doing the last week or so - staring into mirrors. Some form of reflection that looked like her stared back. Lately she's being judged by everyone, the mirror being the worst there is. She knows what the mirror thinks, however, she does not know what the other minds think. So they don't bother her as much as the reflection.

Today the mirror had a beautiful wolf woman. Hair that flowed to her hips in waves, brown, streaks of gold visible when the sun shone bright enough. Clear skin - perfect skin, a trait all wolves shared. Brown eyes that many envied - as funny as it may seem as they are so called "over-rated" in the human world. In the world of wolves they are of rare beauty.

While those eyes may be beautiful, it's what was held inside that hunts the soul. Nothing. There is nothing inside those vacant eyes. Void of any emotion. Bags under her eyes made her seem tired, which she was. She hadn't slept all night. Her heart was pounding to fast at the thought of being away from Edan.

She was in to much pain to cry. Her heart ached to heavily. Her soul begged to be near him. To see him once again.

Glory closed her eyes, trying to block the world out. She couldn't go through with this day, she couldn't. She will go mad.

Avery was to good to be trapped with one he doesn't love. His heart was to kind and precious.

And Edan - oh Edan - Glory was going to go mad without him.

There was no way she was going to accept the mark of Avery's beast. A mark that would connect their minds and hearts for as long as they breathed on this cruel world.

She opened her eyes, suddenly hit with reality. Today was the day. The day she and many pack memebers had prepared for for years. She wasn't going to go through with it.

She turned away from the reflection, eyes on the door. Her bare feet padded on the wooden floor, stepping outside of the room she was not to leave until the ceremony begins.

She walked towards him. Towards Avery. She followed where his scent lead her, making sure there were no others around. She didn't want to risk getting caught. She was in enough trouble already, and she didn't want to make up a lie on something that can be avoided.

"Glory, what are you doing here," his expression was dead - pan, as usual. It was at a point where Glory just didn't care anymore.

She parted her lips to speak, but she was unable to. Choking on her words.  "I - "

"What is it?" He put his hands on her shoulders, peering into her eyes. "Is everyhing okay?"

She swallowed, why was it so hard to say? Was she finally breaking a week later?

"I can't - " she gulped, the lump in her throat making it hard for her. "It's  - I can't go through with this. I'm sorry."

He was quiet before speaking up at her before. "Do not be sorry, Glores. There is nothing to be sorry for."

Those words did nothing to make her feel more at ease. In less than two hours the male in front of her will be her mate. She did not want that.

"I'm going to run," she spoke, not hesitating. "I need to do something. I - I love him. I want to be with him. If I stay - you and I, we'll be miserable for the rest of our lives."

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