Chapter Two: Gone From The Pack

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Her confused expression spoke for itself, but she asked anyway. "How did you know I was leaving?"

He cocked an eyebrow at her as he bent down and looked at her under his long thick black lashes he didn't deserve. "Wouldn't take a genius to figure it out. The only reason I volunteered to do night watch for the last two months was because I was waiting for you to leave. Everyone else is just to distracted to see how much you hate the idea of getting married to me. They think it's a sin to not want this."

The way he said made her feel guilt she didn't deserve.

He dug a small hole with his hands, getting the mud in his fingernails. One feeling Glory hated. "That obvious, huh?"

"Don't worry. No one suspects a thing." He finally got up, his hand enclosed around a vial with a purple liquid.

"What is that?" He didn't even bother to answer her and just undid the lid. Letting the smell pollute the air around her. She scrunched her nose up, the smell of liquid wolfsbane making her insides turn.

"Where'd you even get that?"

"You wanna get out of here or you want me to answer all your questions that will me it makes it take twice the time?"

Glory took a step back, letting him do his things. True, she did ask a lot of questions. Only because she liked to know everything for when she needed to know it. She was a caring person and her knowing things made things easier.

This alway made her mother trip over her nerves and she'd tell Glory to keep her nose in her own business. This precautionary step was often mistaken for nosiness.

Glory bit her tongue and stopped herself from asking what he was doing with such a dangerous liquid and let him do his thing. She wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

He let the vial drip little drops of purple liquid onto the grass -- onto the border.

"That will weaken the border. Make people less sensitive to you leaving by force. And they won't feel that you left until hours later." He stood up, holding out the vial. "Give me your hand."

"Huh -- what?" She stared at the poison. "You want me to die!" She whisper-yelled. "You're feeding me wolfsbane? "

"Give me your hand, " he held his hand out for her to place hers in his. "It's going to make clawing through your mark a whole lot easier. You trust me, right?"

"Of course I trust you. It's just that I don't trust the pain. You know what I mean?"

"Yes, I know what you mean," he responded sarcastically. Something she didn't know he could do. "-But it's going to be a lot easier and less painful if you use wolfsbane instead of just nails."

Glory exhaled, hesitantly she gave him her hand. She didn't understand how wolfsbane, of all things, could make her feel less pain.

"Claws," he spoke. She listened. The alphas and betas were the only ones that could half-shift. If she were a regular wolf, she'd have to use something other than her claws. That would make things so much more difficult. He dripped as little as possible onto each nail. It didn't hurt on the nails, as long as it didn't make skin contact she was fine. But just having it so close to her tissue made her uneasy and want to die. The smell was killing her - well not literally.

She was careful not to move her hand so the liquid wouldn't slide down to her fingertips. Once he was done, he put the lid back on the tiny bottle and put it in the pocket of Glory's coat. He asked her to discard it as soon as she was past this border.

"In case -" he reached into his own pocket and got something else out. A bottle of . . . perfume? "This is body mist. As soon as you get past these boarders spray it over your body it will cover your scent."

Glory didn't bother to ask where he got that from. She had a feeling he wouldn't answer her question.

"And, one more thing. My father will send out the best of the best to get you. Maybe even from other packs. Lots owe him favours. Be careful."

"If they don't find me? What about my sister?"

"I'll take care of that by then. I've got four more years to make a plan. Now go."

Glory didn't waste another second. She ripped the bandaid. Her claws tore through her skin on her upper arm. Cutting through her flesh. Slicing through her brand. A scream was ready to be released and would've if it wasn't for Avery's hand covering her mouth harshly. The pain was unbearable. Her skin felt as if it were on fire.

Was this going to be worth it?

She dropped to the ground, on her knees and palms, her mouth no longer able to release any words. Any sound. Tears tattooed their trail on her cheeks as they hit the floor. Her hair fell around her face. Sweat starting to drip from her forehead as the pain worsened. Still no longer able to make a sound.

Blood was spilling to the ground. Marking territory she didn't want. The open wound was filled with poison, making her weak. The poison wouldn't leave her system for a while, making the wound heal slower than a humans.

She exhaled. The sound of a wheezing wolf filling the air. Avery bent down and stared into her brown eyes. The pain stopped for a second as she forgot about it. She was always so jealous of his blazing eyes. A mixture of broken diamonds and shattered sapphires filled her vision. Let's not even get started on the thick lashes again.

He put his hand on her shoulder, concerned. "You listening?"

He asked she snapped back to reality, almost missing what he was saying. She nodded her head, barely.

"Watch yourself with the rogues. You will need to kill, which you know. But you will also need to spare." Her sweaty forehead wrinkled under the pressure of her confused state. "They're not all bad, okay?"

"I don't get what you're saying, Avery," she spoke, her voice was an unattractive rasp.

"Not all rogues are bad. Trust me in this. I've spent weeks out there. Not all are killers. Just when they need to be. Be careful around them. Good or bad. Neither will trust you. But not both will want to kill you. Now go,"

The pain had lowered, only slightly. Her sweat was no longer dripping to the ground. Avery finished tying a piece of cloth around her wound. He helped her stand.

Before she crossed the border she looked back at him one more time. "I'm gonna miss you Ave. "

She stepped over the border, the force around her turned a light shade of blue. Loosening before breaking.

If she would've stepped over the border with her tattoo she'd still be part of the pack. But she didn't.

She was free.

She breathed in.

New air.

New life.

She got ready to run, - Avery interrupted her moment.

"Oh. And Glory. If you get caught and they ask. I tried to stop you," he backed up before turning to run back to his post.

The strange wolf that one.

With those last words gone with the wind. So was she, her scent no longer evident to the world around her.


A/n so its been like 2 weeks and basically 2 views. Which I don't mind the only reason I said ten views and bc while I'm waiting I want to make more draft chapters so when people actually start reading this (even if it's like five people) I can update more often.

So ya this time I'm gonna try to wait until I get ten views (not on this chapter but the book)
Laters babes

Color the star of you don't mind😙

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