Chapter Nein: The Man of Few Words

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Glory's face turned red when she realized she was staring at Edan, who was talking to his sister. She pursed her lips, flustered. She slapped her cheek slightly, feeling the heat. Her heart even beat a little faster in her chest.

In the last two weeks, Glory has developed a small crush on Edan (that's what she liked to call it, small). His attitude hasn't really changed towards her, he still pretends like she doesn't exist - but, now he doesn't even acknowledge her existence. He doesn't glare at her anymore and every time she's around, or even standing in front of him. He doesn't look at her - it's like he was looking through her - most of the time he just stares straight ahead.

The first day she realized she had a crush - a small one. Yeah, that's right! A small one. She was extremely paranoid that he knew because of how he acted. It took her a few days to get it through her thick skull that she was being stupid. The thought of him acting like that because he liked her back crossed her mind too. She knew it was impossible - but she hasn't crossed it off the list yet. There was still hope. Which sounds absurd.

She turned away from the two and entered the cabin. Pacing. Fondling her lips with her thumb and index finger.

"Hey," Everest interrupted Glory's raging mind. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she answered, a little too quickly. "I mean, why wouldn't I be?"

"You seem off the last couple of days."

"I'm. . . I'm just, thinking about things. It's - I don't really wanna talk about it."

"Okay," Everest smiled slightly. Making Glory glad she wasn't pushing things. "If you want to talk. I'm here. But meanwhile. . . Edan's going to the lake if you wanna go."

Glory opened her mouth to speak. She didn't want to go with him. . . Alone. "Aren't you coming with?"

"No, I'm not feeling too good."

"Are you getting the flu too?" She asked, a tone of disguised panic.
Everest noticed the panic, she noticed almost everything, no matter how hard you tried to hide it. "I'm going to be okay."

"Shouldn't someone be staying here with you?"

"I'm not that sick yet. And besides, I won't let you."

"Edan's not going to have it,"

"Edan doesn't have a choice - Edan!"

"Wait!" Glory hurriedly called out after her.

"Edan, make sure you take Glory with you."

Glory wanted to rebel against that but she had nothing to say. Nothing that was smart enough to change Everest's mind.

Edan looked at them - at Glory. For the first time in what felt like years, even though it was only about two weeks - which in her defense was a long time. At that moment Glory was happy that the twins had lost most of their wolf senses. Especially the hearing sense. Her heart was beating out of her chest.

"She should stay here with you." He didn't say it in 'I hate Glory and I don't want her near me' tone. It was more like 'you need to be kept safe' tone.

That didn't stop the pang of hurt pinching her heart, even if she agreed with him. What was happening to her? She just met the guy - a barely month ago, and he hated her. "I agree with Edan." Glory put her hands on her hips, there was no way either of them could see she wanted to be with him. It would be the end of her.

"Two against one, Everest,"

"You do know that I can handle more than the two if you put together. Even in this state. Now leave. You both stink and avoid each other like a plague, you need bonding time."

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