Chapter Four: Death's Glare

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     Glory was in pain. In very obvious, tormenting pain. If she could be able to move, she'd try to rip her arm clean off.

That's how much pain she was in.

She heard movement. It was far away. Not too far. But a good distance. She also heard breathing. Quiet, calm, breathing. This breathing, it was close. Close as in, five feet away from where she was laid down. She also felt the stare. It was like -- a thousand eyes staring into her soul trying to figure out if they should wait for her to wake up and torture her, then kill her, or just let her die.

She was after all, practically dead already.

The person continued to stare for a couple more minutes,
and soon their breathing was no longer calm, but they sighed -- loudly -- and cleary very annoyed. Glory could literally feel them rolling their eyes and the irritation just leaked out of their pores sticking to Glory's body.

She didn't know who this person was, or what she ever did to them, but she somehow knew, that they definitely did not like her.

Which, was not a good start. Well, actually, being dead - almost dead, wasn't the good start. Living, and seeing someone that wants her dead is a worst continuation.

He finally removed the painful pricks of death from her body and Glory could finally breathe. Thank the man upstairs.

"Seriously, are you still here?" A female voice sliced through the air. Making the tenacious breathing inaudible. "She's not like, gonna jump up and try to kill us or anything. She was attacked by a rogue. - and no," she said, her voice higher pitched like he did something she didn't like. "Don't roll those eyes at me, Edan." Eden? What? Was she in the paradise? Like Glory wasn't confused enough already.

"She's basically dead. If she does wake up. The only muscles she'll be able to use are the ones to blink. Even those will barely work. Now go chop some wood, it's no work for a woman."

He let out a short breathy laugh. And Ho-ly Alpha, he did sound like paradise.

"Sexist ass."

He had a nice voice.

After he left, Glory was still conscious for an hour, that's what it felt like, but it was really just ten minutes.


Bright. Brighter. And very much brighter than bright.

Glory shut her eyes instantly, she tried again. When her eyes finally adjusted to the light all she could see was the ceiling. Because ironically, the only muscle she could willingly move were the ones she uses to blink.

"Morning." The familiar female voice spoke.

Glory made a croaking noise instead of speaking.

"Don't worry about that, and the not moving part, been there had that. The rogue that attacked you bit you making it so you will be paralyzed for a certain amount of time. Sometimes forever -" how comforting. "But no worries your already starting to recover. Just pretend you're not. My brother wants to kill you."

Like everything was perfectly fine. The female walked out of the room patting Glory's shoulder and smiling at her and she walked past.

Glory didn't see that smile, she couldn't look past her eyes for the .7 seconds she had her eyes on her. Her. One was bright blue, like a perfectly clear lake, reflecting the sky. The other was a green with sparkles of gold. Almost like an emerald.

Glory past out two seconds later.

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