Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Aftermath

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"As my first comand as alpha. The marking ceremony is canceled. Avery Night will no longer be the next alpha and Glory Ryans will no longer be his mate. However, if she accepts, she will be mine," his eyes lingered on her. A soft tipped smile on the edge of her lips.

"If anyone has any complaints, you come to me. If you want to challenge, come to me. If you have any problems about me, tell me face to face."

He waited for a reaction, when no one said anything he was grateful. He didn't need someone else to die.

"I assume you want a proper burial for your alpha. Seeing that I did kill him and take him from you, it's only natural for a gathering in his name."

Glory felt the surprise of the fellow pack members hanging on the air. She too was surprised - pleasantly surprised. When a wolf destroys an Alpha and takes their leadership their body is taken and fed to the wolves. They are nothing, just a memory of what used to be.

"Proceed, I imagine you'd like to collect the body. The burial gets done with today. "

A few wolves scurried around, trying to figure out what to do. The luna, Sara was kneeling over the dead leaders with tears in her eyes. Glory hadn't even noticed her, she was to busy staring at Edan. She was lightly sobbing, a hand clenched over her heart.

Avery finally loosened the grip on Glory. He was staring at his mother, wondering if he should go comfort her or not. They never really gotten along - just like him and his father. It's not that they hated each other. Their relationship - it was all business and no love.

Some wolves left to mourn their alpha in private. Others stayed to congratulate Edan, suck up to him a bit. Some wolves crowded around the dead alpha. Others took their children away from the nasty scene. Glory just stood there in her white traditional dress. Waiting for Edan to come up to her.

She hadn't seen him in so long, he was in her sight now, she never wanted to look away.

His eyes, the most beautiful things she's ever seen, had never burned so fierce.

He walked over to her, taking his precious time. There were so many things running through his thoughts. He didn't know if she wanted to kill him for keeping all this a secret or if she wanted to kiss him because she could be with him.

So he just looked in her eyes, the window to her heart and soul. Brown, gold flecks swimming in them, a ring of bronze circling her iris. They glazed over with tears and her lips quivered.

She wrapped her arms around his neck securely. So tight no one would ever be able to rip her away from him. Tangling the hair around her fingers, she clutched. Tears wetting his shirt, one he now would be able to throw away.

"Hey," he whispered soothingly. Longing to run his fingers through her hair.

She looked good, perfect even. Her hair had been washed with shampoo the day before and styled to perfection today. Though the curles hanging loosly looked effortless. Nails had been cleaned and shaped. Moisturizers applied to her body. Clothes smelled fresh and clean. And even though all these things happened to her, Edan hadn't even noticed.

Which was either a compliment or a big fat insult.

She pulled away when he didn't hug her back. She didn't really mind, she was just glad to see him. He, on the other hand, did mind. He wanted to squeeze her tight as he could and not have her pass out. But he didn't want to ruin the dress. It was white and the blood stains will never come out of it.

In The Woods SomewhereTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang