Chapter Eight: Truce

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It's been two weeks since Glory's been out there in the woods. In the middle of nowhere.

Two weeks since Glory had left her "home", and honestly, this felt more like home than NightShape ever had. Even though Edan didn't quite like her yet. He basically ignored her, which bothered her a lot. By the time the second week rolled around she has pretty much gotten used to it. She had Everest. And for the two weeks she has had Everest she was the best girl friend that has been in her life.

The only reason it did bother Glory that Edan didn't like her was because; one; he was Everest's sister. Second; this was his home. Glory invaded it. He didn't want her Here, and that made her feel guilty.

Glory still wanted to leave. To get out of these woods. To human land. She told Everest and she tried to talk her out of it. Telling her she wasn't going to last. Telling Glory what was out there. Everest's been there. It's all fun in games until the wolf shows up. Out there you can't contain it.

Everest told her there was no way she was going to get caught in this part of the woods. Edan and her have been for a solid five years.

Glory felt before after Everest had told her this, but she still couldn't help feeling guilty for invading Edan's space. Everest told her to not worry about it. He shouldn't be such a drama queen.

Glory woke up that morning. Fatigue clouding her vision. The non-stop coughing from the room next to her woke her up leaving her irritated. Chills crawled up her body as she lifted the blanket off of her body. She groaned, a headache hitting her skull.

She blinked a couple times. Trying to get used to the darkness of the room. Her eyes adjusted well to the darkness before she stumbled into the next room. Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as she saw Everest sitting on her bed putting what looked like a rag on Edan's head. Her eyes may have adjusted, but her thinking didn't.

"Whats going on," she spoke. Her morning rasp worse than usual.

Everest looked up at her. "Go back to bed Glory. You look terrible."

"Jee," Glory mumbled. Not being able to use her speech correctly. "Thanks."

Edan let out a string of coughs. Glory wanted to say something but didn't know how to word it properly. After thinking about what she wanted to say, she asked Everest. "So you like, need help. Or somethin'?

"No it's fine Edan just came down with a little fever. I'll take care of it."

Glory gave Everest a thumbs up and grinned, rubbing her eyes. "Cool."

Everest smiled at the girl, shook her head, and tended back to Edan. Making sure he was comfortable in his unfortunate state.

Glory got up later than usual that day. She had an alarm clock built in her head that woke her up at the exact same time every day. Not today. Edan's coughing kept her up all night; as tired as she was, she was unable to fall asleep again.

Glory's feet hit the ground. The cabin floor was covered with animal fur in her room. Something she was glad for, she lost count of how many splinters she's gotten from just walking around the entrance area with no shoes.

Edan was still coughing. It did seem as bad as it was throughout the whole night.

"What are you doing?" Glory watched Everest shuffle around in the supply closet.

Everest briefly looked back at her and replied, "I'm going hunting."

"Why didn't you wake me?" Everest looked completely ready to go. The only thing she was missing was the arrows. She did look like she was going to ask Glory to tag along.

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