Chapter Twenty-One: Long Walk Home

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"Edan," she mumbled, blessing his ears after the two hours of silence.

Whoever said silence is gold should think again. Silence was the biggest weapon of torture when it came to one's mentality.

He didn't reply, he kept walking carrying her in his arms. A lump in his throat, he was going to lose her soon.

"Edan," she whined again, stirring in his arms.

"Shh," he hushed softly. "Go to sleep Glorious."

"Edan," she breathed out, her eyes opening for the first time. Not strong enough to fight him or make him put her down. Her head still in a daze. "What are you doing? Where are you taking me?"

"Don't worry about it, you should rest," and though he needed the rest too he also needed to get her help as soon as possible. The longer she was without help, the harder it will be to help her come back.

"Edan," she spoke again stronger this time. Slapping his chest lightly, "Edan put me down."

"No, Glorious. You need to rest," as hard as it was for him to see her like this he had to stay strong. For her - he needed to stay strong for her.

"No - " she struggled as hard as she could, which wasn't very hard. Her strength was worn away and her wolf almost dead. "Where are you taking me?"

He didn't answer her. He kept on walking as she tried to break free.

"Edan I wanna know where we're going," she slapped his chest again, voice raspy. "Where are you taking me?"

"Home. I'm taking you home."

"What?" She was beginning to panic, "what home? Take me to the cabin Edan. Take me back to the woods."

Edan swallowed, mouth drying out, he didn't want to do this, but she needed this.

"Glory, you're weak, don't waste your strength."

"What home?" She tried to yell but the darkness was beginning to get a grip of her once again.

"I'm taking you back to NightShape."

"No," she responded frailly. "It's not my home."

"Yes, it is. And I'm taking you back," he kissed the top of her head, breathing in her scent to calm himself down.

"Edan," she drawled out, on the brink of sleep. "You are my home."


Glory had dreams about her childhood, dreams about being at home with her family of three. Tabitha's radiant smile that could uplift a whole room. Her mother outspoken comments about the way she dressed and presented herself. Her father whom always encouraged her to do better. When she woke up from that dream she realized how much she had left behind when she left NightShape and she realized how much more she was going to lose when she gets back.

She will lose the respect of all pack members. They will no longer trust her with their own lives and family after she broke all their hearts by breaking their bond. She will be shunned by others from distant packs

She didn't want to go back. She wanted to stay in the woods with Edan and Everest. She wanted to walk amongst the humans with him. She wanted to stay with him until the end of her days.

She loved him, without a doubt. There was was a feeling inside of her chest, scratching at her heart. Even though she wasn't completely conscious she felt everything and more.

The thought of being with Avery messed with her. She didn't want to be with him. She was more sure of that than ever. The thought of spending the rest of her life with him made her sicker than she already was.
She was never going to be able to love him. She was never going to be able to love anyone like she loved Edan at that moment.

Her body was shut down but her mind was in a frenzy.

What was going to happen to Edan?

The turn out was definitely not going to be very good. The pack members won't be happy that a total stranger invaded their territory, but he will have her so they won't go too crazy. They will likely lock him up until Glory is well enough to tell them about him.

She didn't want to do this.

She'd rather die than go back there.

She'd rather suffer a horrible death than be with Avery for the rest of her life instead of Edan.

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