Chapter Seven: Trouble In Eden

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Glory's eyes shot open. A harsh breath escaped her lips. She blinked rapidly a few times the tears flowing down the side of her face. She lifted off the remaining blanket she hadn't pushed off of her while she was asleep.

"Bad dream?" Glory's head snapped towards the familiar voice. Her pupils dilating in fear. It's just Everest. Relax.

She exhaled quietly. Relief attacking her emotions. "Something like that."

Everest looked like she was going to make another comment, but she didn't. She had an understanding look on her face.

Glory sat up wiping the tears from her face quickly. Cold sweat covered her lower back and hairline. - Feverish. - It made her dirty shirt cling to her back.

Glory wiped off some of the sweat that beaded on her forehead and took a hold of her hair. Tugging it harshly; but subtly. She didn't need Everest thinking she was a freak by grabbing a hold of her hair and looking like she was trying to pull it out.

Everest handed Glory a steel cup. "Tea?"

Glory reached forward to take the cup. Not sure if she was to trust what Everest was feeding her. Where'd she get tea?

"It's wild mint, it's safe. The water is sterilized."

Glory opened her mouth to speak. How does she always do that? Know what she's thinking? She's only done it two times, but still.

"I'm good at reading people," she replied. Well, she didn't reply, because Glory didn't speak, but she replied to her thoughts. . . So it may have been a reply.

Glory brought the cup to her lips, to test if it was hot. It was warm. She took a sip, not realizing how dry her mouth had been. The warm liquid hit her taste buds hard like Avery hit the asshole that once slapped her butt. Hard was an understatement.

The meat she had yesterday was pretty bland because it had absolutely no seasoning. But this tea was everything.

A voice snapped her out of her heavenly moment. His -though she didn't want to admit it because he was an a-hole- attractive head peeked into the doorway. Looking for his sister to Glory. Looking her up and down; Judging her. At the moment she didn't blame him. She was very likely a mess.

He glanced back at his sister. "We leave in five."

Glory looked at Everest. Questioning expression on her face. "Can you hunt?"

Glory nodded her head. "Yeah. . . I guess. . ."

Glory entered the doorless closet next to her. "You guess!" She called out.

"You mean without shifting?"

Everest emerged again. A bow in her hand. "Yeah. Shifting releases a strong aura. We can't have that." She slung the bow onto her arm and over her head. Like a bag. "So can you? Hunt?"

"Yeah. . . I've been trained. A while ago. I'm not sure if I'm still good at it."

Everest smiled at her. "Edans a good teacher."

"Sure," Glory mumbled as Everest left. Taking a sip of her tea. "Edan." She took another sip. "I think I'd rather teach myself."


Glory walked behind the twins. Only then realizing how freakishly tall they were. Edan was well over six feet. Everest was at least five feet and nine inches, maybe ten. Maybe it wasn't that tall - but compared to all the other she-wolves. The average was five seven or five six. You don't see females out of the average very often. In fact, it was rare. Besides herself, Everest was the only female shes seen out that much taller than the average.

Mostly all females where were taller than five five.

Glory was lucky, not. She wasn't average height. Which sucked, because everyone mentions it all the time. One thing worse than being taller than the average, was being shorter than the average. Glory was five two. Which made a lot of things hard for her. People picking on her because of her height just added to the hardship.

Glory suddenly felt even more insecure walking behind the two. Edan was at over a foot taller than her. Definitely taller than the average wolf. Everest wasn't far from it.

"Keep up shorty!" Everest's voice rung in the air. Glory's expression was priceless. 'If she can't read minds than nothing in this world is real.'

Glory picked up her pace. She wanted to make a remark about how their strides are longer than hers because of their height. She didn't. The last thing she needed was Edan to look at her like she was a fool - again.

The tension in the air was thick. Nothing could cut it. Glory didn't understand why Everest insisted that she come along. She argued with Edan at least ten minutes to get him to let Glory tag along. It's not like she wanted to, the last thing they needed was a hold-up. She made that clear to both of them. Everest still insisted. It was so obvious that Edan did not like Glory. Which was really Glory's problem.

Everest knew that, she sensed it. And she pointed it out. Claiming "she just doesn't want to come because he's being an ass." He didn't deny it.

So now she was walking behind two tall abnormal creatures, carrying their hunting supplies. Oh and, they were mad at each other and the tension in the air told her they wanted to tear each other apart.

By the time they were finished hunting. Glory wanted to tear herself apart. If Edan made it less obvious that he didn't like her she may be having a better time. Everest was complicated. Glory wasn't really sure how to felt about her. She didn't - not like her, she knew that much. What she didn't know was how much she liked her. Maybe she was on the edge of not liking her. Glory didn't know. Everest, in the last two days of knowing her, was almost as hard to read as Avery. Almost.

Everest was clearly on Glory's side in all of this. So that meant she liked her enough to let her hang around.

"Edan. Seriously?" Glory sipped her tea, sitting on a chopped log. Wishing she could sip away her life. They were at it again. Mostly Everest. She kept starting beef with him because of how rude he was acting. He kept ignoring her every time she even hinted at it. "What's your problem?"

Glory raised an eyebrow when he replied. That was the first time in the seventh time she brought this up, that he said something back.

"What's my problem?" He asked. Like she was being unreal. Like she was being stupid. "What's yours?"

He scoffed. "You know what - ?" He cut himself off. "Never mind - I'm going for a wash."

Glory didn't look back when he came out of the house. He didn't stop to look at her.


Hi. It's been a long time since I've updated. Like two months. First reason is that no one is really reading this book so I wanted to build views (were 15 views stronger, yay:) ).  I'm not particularly proud of this chapter but i needed to show that he doesn't like her.

And I don't really care if you vote or not, please share.

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