Chapter Six: Meat and . . . Greet?

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Her eyes opened once more, swiftly with worry. It was fast and alert. For the first time, things made sense. She remembered. Her mind wasn't in a bundle. Everything made sense.

She sat up, immediately regretting it. She held her hand to her chest. It hurt so bad she could barely breathe. "Mother Moon," she cursed and groaned. "Son of the Alpha."

She groaned once more, for the final time and curled up her mouth in pain. She then checked her upper arm, feeling the stinging pain there. Stitches. Fabulous. And it even looked like a werewolf bite. Bonus. 

Note the extremely important amounts of freaking sarcasm.

She heard somewhere that rogue bites scar if you survive one.

"Woah, Woah, Woah." A female entered the room, her eyes practically bulging out of her face. "Are you tryna kill yourself?"

Glory looked at the wolf-like she was from another dimension. The female with the mismatched coloured eyes smiled. "Sorry. Habit. Improper grammar. My brother hates it. Just - don't move around too much. It's not good for you. Just - like, hold still and I'll check your stitches. Can't have those ripping out."

After a couple of awkward seconds of the female checking her stitches she spoke, "they look okay. Just don't move your arm around too much. They're not very professionally done and might rip easily."

Glory rubbed her upper arm where her stitches where. Cold.

"If you're hungry Edan's cooking meat outside. But if you like it raw I could just bring you a piece."

"Edan?" Glory's eyebrows pushed together.

"My brother. And if he seems to have a very negative attitude, just ignore him. He doesn't like strangers. So you like raw meat?"

Glory's nose scrunched up. "No." One thing she never understood was how wolves, in their human form, could enjoy raw meat. She didn't even enjoy it a lot when she's in shift mode. Which is very odd for a wolf. It's basically heaven to the other wolves.

"Okay. Just, ya know. Relax. Chill. Don't rip out your stitches and you'll be fine. I'll come get you when the meat is ready. I'd take you outside now - but I'd rather not have my brother poison your meat."

Ten minutes later Glory was being led outside by freckle-faced wolf. It wasn't dark yet. The sunset was covered by trees, and the moon was above their heads not yet shining. Glory stood on the grass taking in her surroundings. A warm breeze hit her face and she breathed in fresh air.

Her eyes wandered towards the tall female wolf, as she stood in front of a low fire. Talking to a male who was sitting on the ground. He didn't look very happy. Actually, he looked pissed.

When he looked at Glory, his glare was so intense it seemed as he was sending her a message to watch her back because he was going to slit her throat tonight.

His sister looked back at Glory and gestured her head in a 'come here' motion.

She didn't move. Instead, her eyes wandered to the blazing fire, where he was, on one knee, meat was cooking above it. Which looked delicious. But what really caught her eyes was his eyes. They were like one of his sisters, but brighter. Or maybe they were so bright because of the darkness behind him. Glory was. . . Infatuated - she dares say, but only for a couple of seconds...

He was looking right at her. Glaring. He did not want her here. Never mind sharing his food.

Eventually, he removed that unholy look on his face and turned his head towards the meat. Like she didn't mean anything. Which she didn't. Not to him.

"Hey, dollface!" The nicer of the two yelled over at her. "Come over here."

Glory decided to listen to her, after all, she was already in his presence. Nothing she can do about it now.

He took the meat off of the sticks he used to roast it. He took off a piece and stood up. He dropped the stick on the floor, getting pieces of dirt on the meat.

"Eat up." He sounded. . . Mad. Very very mad. Like

"Oh crap. He's pissed." The girl next to her mumbled as she watched Edan walk away. "Like, majorly pissed."

She bent down and picked up the dirty pieces of meat, but dropped it immediately after trying to pull a piece off. "Oow,"  she shook her hand ferociously. "Son of a b-. Ow. Stupid. Hot. Meat."

She picked up the meat by the stick once more, a glare on her face, though it wasn't directed at anyone. She waved it in the air a couple times to cool it off.

"Edan is such an assface." She spoke with her mouth full. "I don't know why he's acting like such a jerk - wait - actually I do. But his reason doesn't make sense. Well, it... But - that's beside the point -," she stuck her finger in her mouth and tried to clean between her teeth, all while speaking. "He just doesn't have to be a hormonal she-wolf about it."

Glory took a small bite out of her meat, listening to her rant. Not really that hungry after her encounter with Edan. She's barely even met the guy and he's already taking a piss at her.

She quieted down after a while. Cooling off. "So umm, never really got your name." She spoke after a while, breaking the silence.


"Oh yeah. Like Glorianna or. . ."

"Just Glory."

"Just Glory," she mimicked, letting the name roll off her tongue smoothly.

"Well," she held out her hand."I'm Everest."

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