Chapter Sixteen: Do Tell

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For some reason hearing those words come from Everest's lips made it feel like there were stones in her stomach. She knew this would happen. Seeing it happen in front of her - laid down on the mattress looking lifeless just made everything more real.

She didn't want him to turn human. It hurt her heart that he had to go through this. She felt useless that she couldn't do anything to help him. It was his decision to do this. She made the same one. Soon she was going to have to go through the same thing.

She never wanted to get so attached to him. A few months ago she only wanted to be friends. Yeah, she may have had a little crush on him, but being friends would have exceeded her expectations. And now she was falling for him

- perhaps she's even landed by now.

Everest too. When Everest saved her the first day she was grateful and all - but she never expected to grow so close to her.

Glory would do anything for the siblings. She would give her life for them without a second thought. She didn't know if they would do the same. Frankly, she didn't care.

Glory would much rather spend the rest of her life with these two than to go back. The only reason her parents ever pushed her - or thought she was worth something was because she was the future luna. Her sister wasn't the nicest person either. They had never gotten along with each other. Like many siblings - but the thing with Tabitha was that she thought she was better than Glory. Or at least that's what it seemed like most of the time.

It's not that her family didn't care for her. Surely they missed her a little and were a little disappointed that she left. However, she was sure those feelings would soon be put away and they'd keep on living. The only thing that would stick with them was the embarrassment that Glory brought to her family name.

The Ryans.

She could hear the fellow pack members whisper behind her mother's back about the daughter who ran away. The one that hurt the entire pack, men, women, even children.

Their name would forever be tainted after all the years of trying to get to that position.

Glory did feel guilty for that, her grandparents often talked about how proud they were for their son, her father for managing that position. They had worked years to get to that position. When he was announced next beta they were so proud. That's mostly why she felt guilty. She was throwing away everything generations of her family had built. She'd feel a whole lot worse about it if she wouldn't have Tabitha to fill her footsteps. She wasn't trained like Glory was but she was beta blood. Strong blood. And she wanted Avery. Just like every other female in NightShape.

"Hey," she whispered to Edan.

His emerald eyes opening from the sleep that consumed him for a good three hours.

A light tipped smile met his lips, "Hey." He spoke groggily from the sleep.

His eyes met hers - she could already tell he felt better. She was glad that flu only lasted for a day or two. If he was like that any longer she wouldn't have been able to face him. It pained her too much.

His hand reached for her face, his thumb brushing back and forth on her cheekbone, moving her hair away from her face.

"Everest wants to know if you're up to eat something?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Cherishing the feeling of his hand on her face.

Things were getting harder. She knew she'd break soon. It was getting harder for her to hold her secrets from him. The only reason she hasn't caved and told him was because she was afraid they'd abandon her. Even now that they've grown this close to her.

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