Chapter Seventeen: Autumn Air

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The unofficial cover of the second book^^^

Glory and Edan had slept in the same space. He asked her to stay a little longer, she never expected to fall asleep with him. Not that she really minded. She wanted this - before she told him - she wanted to spend some more time with him.

Glory trusted Edan, but there was still this nagging inside her that was warning her to wait it out so he'd tell his story. Even though it was predictable it still would be reassurance that he trusted her - even a little.

When Glory's eyes opened she was confused as to where she was - until she felt Edan's hand curled around her waist. Pulling her close to him. His face was stuffed into her hair - which couldn't have been that pleasant. Maybe it was - who knows - maybe it smelled the same way to him as Edan's hair smelled to Glory.

She didn't want to move, a distasteful to wake him. She also didn't want to move because his heartbeat was vibrating through her own body, her back touching his chest. She couldn't imagine it - not being a wolf - not hearing Edan's heartbeat - not feeling his heartbeat.

His heartbeat was a song that would never get old.

She felt him shift around behind her, awakening. She smiled, biting her lip turning her head back to look him in the eyes.

"Good morning," she brushed the hair out of his eyes, her hand locked in place.

"G' morning," his hushed tone matched hers.

"How are you feeling," he looked better. His skin wasn't fever-stricken like yesterday and his eyes were clearer.


Her hand loosened it's hold in his hair, her thumb running down his cheeks, cupping his jaw with a patient pace. Her thumb brushed back and forth on his cheek and they just stared at each other. His head moved and her thumb touched his lips. Scorching his skin - slowly dragging back and forth on the soft flesh. Her eyes drifted to the plumpness of his mouth while he intently watched her - the way her expressions formed on her features - what her next move was. Mostly focusing on her eyes.

He knew she wasn't going to make the first move - not unless she knew he was okay with it. Maybe she would have if she was more experienced in the area.

She's kissed before - Avery. Five times to be exact. It wasn't exactly the most pleasant experiences. Especially since they lacked chemistry and emotional connection. This all happened before he started sneaking into her bedroom window at night. So it was quite a while ago. Glory never got why some females did it willingly - it wasn't fun. It was wet, warm and felt like nothing
The only reason she did it with Avery was because of show. So the pack members would see their relationship was running smoothly. It all stopped when Avery snuck into her window at night. She wasn't disappointed.

This was all weird to Glory. The desire to kiss another male after her horrible experiences back home.

Edan wasn't going to make the first move either - simply because he had never kissed another female before. He would if Glory would push it too far off and it would take her to long to make the first move - yes - he would do it. He would without a second thought make the first move.

"Guys!" Everest's voice rung through their minds.

Glory closed her eyes - resting her chin on his head. Annoyed. He just dismissed his sister and tightened his grip on Glory's waist, his head cuddled in her chest. Listening to the soft rhythm of her heartbeat.

They heard her footsteps in the cabin but weren't bothered to move.

"Guys what - " she stopped as soon as she saw them, moulded against each other. Her eyes widened and her mouth made an o shape. "Bad time?"

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