Chapter Three: Savage

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^^^^ this is the pack tattoo

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^^^^ this is the pack tattoo

She ran. As fast as she could. She had absolutely no idea where she was going. But she kept in running anyways.

She couldn't shift, she'd only limp in her wolf form. Her arm felt as if it were chopped off, she imagined. There was poison in her body. The poison that could kill her. She trusted Avery. She trusted that he didn't put to much of it in her body. You never know with anyone, maybe he was trying to kill her so she wouldn't - no couldn't come back alive. She knew he wouldn't do that - well, highly hope that at least.

But, he did ask her to inject wolves bane into her body. That action spoke for itself.

Again, she hoped she was wrong.

Glory remembered the woman and her child. Standing at the border. The woman's claws out, ready to slice her skin. Cutting the brand away. Making her rogue. "Don't do it," they said. "Out there is not any better than in here." The woman kept cutting. A painful scream escaped her open mouth. Her child, now in tears, tried to tug his mother's arm down. Crying her name. Crying out for his mommy. Screams. Raw yells escaping the scared child's lips. His tears staining his red cheeks.

The mother had tears of her own now running down her cheeks. Tears she tried to hold in for the sake of her child. A call for help coming from her own mouth. The pain too much to bare. She hadn't even rip through half the star in the centre of her pack symbol. She fell to the ground, on her knees. Yelling. Not able to stop. But ready to give up.

The child no longer heard under the shrill yells of his mourning mother. "Daddy!" The four year old child could not be heard.

Glory heard him though, she was paying special attention to him. Het heart was breaking "Daddy!" He yelled again.

Her feet were frozen to the ground. Unable to move. Watching the terrifying scene before her unfold. Glory never cried. But today she did. That day. That horrible day. That horrible memory. It made her cry.

It made her cry because she knew there was nothing she could do. She couldn't do anything. Nothing. Blood was flowing to the ground like the cup of water Glory spilled on the table earlier that day. Making its way to the edge before covering the ground.

And exactly like it was this morning. She couldn't do anything until the damage was done.

It wasn't until the woman was done cutting through the tattoo that she stopped crying out in pain. It wasn't because her voice was lost. Like everyone thought. It was because of something else. Something no one knew of. Something they couldn't know of unless they experience this on their own.

Even if they did experience this on their own. It wouldn't matter.

Something in her felt different. Her heart started to beat differently that day --

Something inside her sparked. Something inside her chest felt different. She was no longer in any pain. She no longer felt anything. Her crying child she was planning on taking with her was nothing to her anymore. His screams were nothing to her. Like he wasn't even there. The male that continuously crawled inside her body like she was nothing was forgotten. What he did was forgotten. The mate that died a year earlier was forgotten.

Gone, along with her sanity.

Glory was out of breath. Very, out of breath. She was a werewolf. A betas daughter. One of the strongest werewolves. But she was wheezing. Normally she wouldn't get out of breath even if she had run all day.

The wolfsbane was getting to her. She has been running for at least five torturing hours. She was going to pass out pretty soon.

She leaned against a tree, taking deep slow breaths. If she was going to keep running, she was going to collapse in under an hour but still get farther away. If she stopped then they had better luck capturing her because she's not that far off. But she would be rested out and ready to go run farther after the rest. The problem was, she didn't know how long she would be stopping. So she decided to go farther.

Eventually, she stopped and practically past out. Exhaustion had her sweating and panting and tired. She slowly lowered herself down by leaning against a tree and sliding her back against the bark lowering herself onto the dirt and grass. She was out cold seconds later.


By the time Glory opened her eyes again, a day had passed her. It was night, and surely she thought, she didn't rest for such little time if a day hadn't passed. Aside from the arm feeling numb but still in extreme pain she felt new.

She scrambled to stand up, enough time passed. Luckily they hadn't found her yet, if she wouldn't have coated her scent she'd be a dead woman. Not literally.

She kept going, walking, running, sometimes jogging. She had no idea if she was almost in the clearing. She did know she was severely hungry and her stomach was aching because of that. She hadn't eaten two days before. That was because of the nerves and she couldn't stomach her food. Now she wished she had at least packed one if those granola bar things her sister loves. Glory didn't even like them.

After a while Glory was starting to realize that she may have been walking in a circle and she started to mark the trees very faintly so no one could pick up on her trail. And she did cross a few trees after that her marking on it.

Her legs ached, and her heart was beating fast. The wolfsbane still had it's effect on her.

Right now though, the wolf chasing her was the reason for her harsh breathing. It was definitely going to catch up to her, her running was only tiring her out.

She stopping running. Looking for a place to hide, her eyes darting left and right. All she saw was trees. Trees. Trees. Trees. Damn trees! She turned her body around, her back no longer facing the beast.

As much as it pained for her to look at him, and as rude as she didn't want to be, it was a very ugly creature. Teeth pointy and yellow, one eye swollen shut, the other piercing yellow. His fur was ruffled and messy dried mud and blood from the last fight he had. Patches of fur was missing from few areas of his large body.

'Oh crap, I'm definitely dead'. The voice inside her spoke. 'Yup, dead as the spider I crushed earlier.'

Glory really wanted to break the eye contact with the ugly thing, but holding it showed bravery, and it also intimated the enemy. Though she always thought it was stupid. Why not watch its movement instead? You know, to see what it was doing.

The beast stalked closer, and with every step forward, she took two steps back. Soon enough, her back hit the rough bark of an old oak tree. Her brown hair was sticking to her forehead, and sweat dripped to the dirt below.

The savage wolf was barely inches from her face, it's yellow teeth baring at her. Glory couldn't do anything. Her arm was in major pain, her legs just about gave out, the only that was holding her up was her other hand that was clinging to the tree. She would have been a bit more panicked, but she felt like she was floating. Like someone spiked her drink with a drug. Her eyes were on the verge of collapsing and her mind was foggy.

'Kill me already what's taking so long,' she mentally sighed not in the right mind. She really wanted to slap the wolf, he was making her frustrated with her impatience.

Her eyes were fluttering and her body was slowly sinking to the ground. Before she collapsed on the ground - or on the wolf. It was right in front of her and in her space. Her fogged up mind was still able to comprehend the shiny arrow piercing through the air straight into the beasts head.

'Bullseye.' She smiled in her thoughts.

And she passed out.

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