Chapter Twenty-Two: No Place Like Home

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They say home is where the heart is.

And they're right.

They're absolutely right.

Unfortunately Glory's heart wasn't anywhere near NightShape as Edan stepped over the boarders to the place she once called home.

She may have been unconscious but she heard everything go down, a picture perfect image in her mind to what was happening.

Everest's bare-feet hit the gravel of the land owned by humans the same time Edans feet hit the soft grass of the property owned by NightShape.

The ones on guard called for the NightShape alpha and ordered the stranger to stand down.

Edan's stone cold expression scared the guard as he called for some backup.

A rogue had entered NightShape territory. And the rogue didn't look like a goner at all.

That was what scared him the most.

Emerald eyes glaring into the man, sending an icy chill down his body. Edan slowly lowered Glory to the guard so they wouldn't attack. He didn't want her to get hurt, she was already going through enough.

He was surrounded - hands up in surrender. The alpha was on his way but his son was way ahead of him. The future alpha pushed through the crowd of wolves that were concerned about the safety if their pack.

Avery, however, was more concerned as to why his future Luna was back here. To many it seemed he was eager to see her but it couldn't have been more opposite.

Avery made eye contact with the one who rescued her, his eyes blazing green. A challenging look in his eyes. Avery knew who the rogue was and Edan knew who the future alpha was.

Before anyone else could do something Avery stepped foreward and picked up Glory. Her sickly pale skin alarming him, his eyes snapped towards Edan again. Questions running through his mind but showed the other male no signs of them.

Avery's father finally made an appearance behind Avery. His eyes spotting the rogue before he spotted the future luna.

"What are you waiting for, take him down!" The alpha barked at his wolves.

They obeyed and forced him in his knees, pressing his hands behind his pack. Damaging Edan's pride, but he didn't fight it.

He needed them to think he was weak, unwilling to fight - unable to fight. He needed to be weaker than they were in order to survive.

"Get her to a pack doctor!" The alpha commanded his son.

Avery simply nodded his head yes, momentarily glancing at Edan before pushing his way through the crowded area.

Softly laying her down on a bed made for patients, the doctor took a look at her, kindly asking Avery to leave the room.

"Avery!" A voice called out, one that sounded all to familiar at that moment. He didn't want to deal with anybody, he needed some time to think. "Is I true?"

She stepped into his bubble space, eyes wide with happiness. "Glory is here? Is she here Avery?"

"Yes," he spoke quietly. "The doctor is checking her out at the moment. You can not go see her."

The mothers face fell, "why does the doctor need to check on her? What's wrong?"

"I do not know."

The woman sat down on one of the few waiting chairs, her heart beating erratically in her chest.

Avery didn't want to stand here and wait around, so he left. Amanda, Glory's mother didn't bother to ask where he was going. She knew all to well she wasn't going to get a reasonable answer anyway.

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